Hmmm. Reverend Who Alleges That Cochran Campaign Gave Him Thousands To Buy Votes Appears On Greg Snowden 2011 Report of Receipts – IOTW Report

Hmmm. Reverend Who Alleges That Cochran Campaign Gave Him Thousands To Buy Votes Appears On Greg Snowden 2011 Report of Receipts

What were the reverend’s official duties according to the Mississippi  House Speaker pro tempore’s filings?

Campaign Organizational Assistance. Sounds… ummm… slushy.

Screen Shot 2014-07-01 at 1.36.38 AMStory at Cottonmouth



Tiffany ParrishFollow her on Twitter –

20 Comments on Hmmm. Reverend Who Alleges That Cochran Campaign Gave Him Thousands To Buy Votes Appears On Greg Snowden 2011 Report of Receipts

  1. I don’t know. When you click the link does it bring you to the page that links the document? I think it should.
    I checked and it does.
    Not seeing your point.

  2. Yeah, it’s a lib blog. And it’s outing the RINOS as well as the Dems. It’s about time.

    This whole thing with cochran is all over the internet now. Everyone has it. Will FOX and LSM do some coverage?

  3. Got a summer cold and have possibly missed a few things here and there.

    QUESTION: What is the connection between Snowden and the Cochran Campaign?

  4. We have quite a number of politicians who cannot get elected except through voter fraud:


    I’m sure I’ve left a bunch out – but the point being that it signifies the death of the Republic.

  5. The connection between Snowden and Fielder supports Fielder’s claim that he was used by the Cochran team as an operative and that it isn’t at all unusual for republicans to be using him as a
    “Campaign Organizational Assistant.”

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