Obama: The system “is so broken” that “folks don’t know what the rules are.” – IOTW Report

Obama: The system “is so broken” that “folks don’t know what the rules are.”

American Thinker

Obama has got to be kidding

He actually said this: the system “is so broken” that “folks don’t know what the rules are.”

He was referring to the children’s crusade on our borders that has caused chaos as tens of thousands of people try to illegally enter America – a crisis he has created by lax, or no-enforcement, of our immigration laws and by issuing executive orders that basically re-created the Dream Act – a law that could not pass Congress.

But the statement was just stunning in its disingenuousness and yet another example of the most hypocritical president in American history.

Does anyone know what the rules of Obamacare are on any given day? He has delayed numerous mandates of the law as it was passed; issued waivers for favored groups; decided not to enforce various aspects of ObamaCare. His namesake law is what he decides it to be that particular day (often depending on the polls and the midterms). There have been at least 41 changes to ObamaCare so far and more to come no doubt. The actual law was passed by using a controversial maneuver never used before in that way (reconciliation)..

But why stop there?



20 Comments on Obama: The system “is so broken” that “folks don’t know what the rules are.”

  1. “People of the jury, let me remind you that even though my client has been found guilty of murdering his parents, bear in mind when sentencing him that he is an orphan.”

  2. He ought to know because he’s the one responsible for a lot of these laws that make no sense. Their is nothing genuine about Obama, his every act seems to dedicated to the destruction of everything good in America. It’s all deliberate on his part, I honestly believe he wants to bring America to its knees. I will be on my knees praying that he fails because God is far greater than this phony messiah can ever hope to be. Sooner, rather than later he will push too far and it will be over for him. And God help me not to gloat when that time comes, I can take no satisfaction in his downfall. God help me to endure this ungodly tyrant. He will fall and fail like all the other tyrants before him and America will endure because of God’s grace. Nothing else will save us as a nation.

  3. The man and his handlers and minions have purposefully wreaked so much havoc into the system – and not just immigration – that confusion and chaos result.

    Above all, make no doubt about it – it is by design!

    Our former allies have no idea what the rules are when dealing with the United States. He has turned those upside down as well.

    And he is able to do this because NO ONE will challenge him. The media and his party are complicit in this meltdown of our country.

    It’s maddening.

  4. This is typical Alinskyesque Hussein: run against the problem you created as if you had nothing to do with its genesis.

    His zombies chatter approval and parrot ad nauseaum, while the rest of sit stunned at it’s brazen dishonesty.

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