UConn Grad Student Files Anti-Affirmative Action Claim Over Scholarship Switch – IOTW Report

UConn Grad Student Files Anti-Affirmative Action Claim Over Scholarship Switch


“Pam was not allowed to compete for a merit based scholarship because of her race.”

In another sign that campus affirmative-action policies aren’t all they are cracked up to be, one Connecticut graduate student is taking her school to court over its switch of a merit-based scholarship to one that was based on race.

An anti-affirmative action case was filed against UConn, raising controversial questions about multicultural scholarships and the equal protection guarantee of the U.S. constitution.

On June 3rd UConn graduate student and English Ph.D. candidate Pamela Swanigan filed a complaint in theUnited States District Court of New Haven against the university, claiming that her Fourteenth Amendment rights had been violated.

Represented by The Center for Individual RightsWashington, D.C., Swanigan alleges she was denied access to a merit scholarship due to her race, as well as being deceived by the university.


11 Comments on UConn Grad Student Files Anti-Affirmative Action Claim Over Scholarship Switch

  1. I recall someone of importance saying something about looking forward to a day when his children would not be judged by their skin color but rather the content of their character.

    I suppose that was just a dream the left could never allow to be realized; it would cost them too many votes.

  2. Affirmative Action goes way to far the other way. They are using it to punish white people in favor of blacks. The thought is a good one if used correctly, but when politicians use it to garner votes in the black communities then it’s very wrong. Everyone should have an equal chance weather they’re black or white. And this BS about hiring someone just because they are black when there is a much more qualified white person is happening all over the country. I have a sister in law who was a manager of a government agency and she took an early retirement because they were sending her workers who knew nothing about the job and all they did was sit around all day, take long lunches and most days left early and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. in an office force of around 30 people five white workers did all the work while black did nothing. She complained to her supervisor but was told to keep her mouth shut and do her job. So she retired, She told me this goes on in just about every federal, state and local government offices.

  3. A Half Black is shocked, SHOCKED! that’s she’s gotten ahead based on her race, even though all sorts of folks lied and told her she was smart.

    Her claim is based on her having preferred that they telld her she was an around average or so-so student and just another brick in da raaaaaaaaaaaciss wall.

  4. That’s why affirmative action is never a good idea under any circumstances; even among the useful idiots who actually think it just, the recipients are (rightfully) tainted as being inferior.

    I recall reading an interview with Justice Thomas saying that he had a devil of a time finding a job when he graduated from Yale Law because it was assumed that he’d only been there due to affirmative action.

    The upshot is, the unqualified get an undeserved benefit, at the expense of the qualified—of all races.

  5. Never, EVER concede good intentions to “progressives.”

    Leftists will always seek out and attempt to destroy any member of any population that leftists exploit in order to maintain power.

  6. Just hand her a diploma and be done with it.

    Here’s your PhD – you didn’t earn it and we don’t give a shit.

    Just like the Presidency, a Senate and House seat, and a Judicial robe.

    Think I’m kidding?


  7. [Jian] Li points to a study conducted by two Princeton academics last year (2005) which concluded that if you got rid of racial preferences in higher education, the number of whites admitted to schools would remain fairly constant. However, without racial preferences, Asians would take roughly 80 percent of the positions now allotted to Hispanic and black students.

    That’s from an opinion piece on Townhall by Jonah Goldberg. Diversity is just racism, but since it’s liberal racism it’s not called that.

    Nothing so infuriates champions of “Diversity” as much as an opinion diverse from their own.

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