Christian mom Meriam Ibrahim holed up in US embassy, facing new charges – IOTW Report

Christian mom Meriam Ibrahim holed up in US embassy, facing new charges

Pamela Geller

Her crime? She’s a Christian in a Muslim country. She was raised a Christian and lives in America with her Christian husband. They made the mistake of going to visit family in a Muslim country. Who ratted her out? Her Muslim relatives, of course.

“I was never a Muslim,” she told the Sudanese high court during her apostasy trial. “I was raised a Christian from the start.”

Why won’t Obama’s State department give her the proper travel documentation?

Where is Obama? Perhaps he is silent because his father was a Muslim and he too is considered a Muslim in the Muslim world.


4 Comments on Christian mom Meriam Ibrahim holed up in US embassy, facing new charges

  1. In the America I grew up in, or at least thought I did, she wouldn’t be “holed up” anywhere; we’d bring her home and dare any dooncoon stupid enough to try to stop us.

  2. Once again, I ask: Why does this surprise anyone with a lick of sense that a Christian is viewed as second class by the current occupant of the White House with the middle name Hussein?!

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