Sen. Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report On Obama Regime’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power – IOTW Report

Sen. Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report On Obama Regime’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power

Nice Deb

The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected Obama Administration’s arguments 20 times during the five and a half years of his presidency says Senator Ted Cruz in his  fifth report on the Regime’s attempts to expand federal power.

 Legal Limit No. 1 documented cases decided unanimously against the Obama Administration from January 2012 to June 2013. Today’s fifth report includes all other cases, dating back to January 2009 when Obama was sworn into office, that the Obama Administration has lost unanimously. Four of those cases were decided by the Supreme Court in its most recent term.

“When President Obama’s own Supreme Court nominees join their colleagues in unanimously rejecting his Administration’s call for broader federal power twenty times since Obama took office, the inescapable conclusion is that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds,” said Sen. Cruz.


2 Comments on Sen. Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report On Obama Regime’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power

  1. The lapse between the dictator’s diktats and the SCOTUS’s decisions allows the dictator to do great damage. Removal from office and criminal complaint are the only form of mitigation left to the American people.

    He needs, deserves, and is begging for the Saddam Hussein treatment.

    We must oblige, if we’re to salvage our country.

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