Nazi ‘perfect Aryan’ poster child was Jewish – IOTW Report

Nazi ‘perfect Aryan’ poster child was Jewish

When Hessy Taft was six months old, she was a poster child for the Nazis. Her photograph was chosen as the image of the ideal Aryan baby, and distributed in party propaganda. But what the Nazis didn’t know was that their perfect baby was really Jewish.


18 Comments on Nazi ‘perfect Aryan’ poster child was Jewish

  1. What irony! Me thinks, this is a devine middle finger and rebuke to those who think one group of people or race is superior to all others. Given my admitted warped, twisted, gallows sense of humor, I find this damn funny.

  2. Actually, Unslung Hero, the Goyim Nazis were well aware that the Jews were self-segregating hyper-racists themselves. This coupled with the massive Jewish participation in the USSR and its tentacles of Jewish support throughout Europe motivated the Nazis to act quickly and decisively.

    Hitler believed that the Jews were competitors with the Aryan Race in a race war. To win the greater war meant to defeat the main rival before they could do to Germany what had been done to the non-Jew Russian people.

  3. Communism was anywhere from 17 to 42 times more genocidally efficient than Nazism because denunciations were based on politically incorrect utterances, behaviors or convenience of elimination. It provided a broader base, more excuses, more control.

    It was what you had, what you thought, what you did that got you eliminated.

  4. Seriously?, after 70 years this is the stupid propaganda the rears it’s ugly head?
    It must be a slow day for news? I’m certain there are more interesting stories out there… like the Jews bombing the hell out of Hamas.
    Besides.. the Nazi Aryan race was made up of people with blue or green eyes, blonde hair, light skin tone and Nordic facial attributes.. that woman has neither! Besides, her eyes are typical Jew – too close together and her nose is large! (insert Jewish joke about air being free).

  5. tanks, fasd and ricky – please take your anti-Semite shit elsewhere.

    Meanwhile, I find it deliciously ironic that the Nazi NASDP used a picture of a baby of Jewish ethnicity for their propaganda poster. Never forget that NASDP is National Arbeiter Socialistiche Deutsche Partei, aka National German SOCIALIST WORKERS Party. Throw that fact in the face of any Leftist who tries to insist that Nazis were right-wingers.

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