RedSkinsophobia Explained – IOTW Report

RedSkinsophobia Explained

Dennis Prager list five reasons the left has made up the Red Skins controversy.

And I had thought it was just because the team was a convenient target for Washington, D.C. progressives.

Read his column here

I wonder when protesters will show up at this place?



9 Comments on RedSkinsophobia Explained

  1. @F’n Progressives and where’s the outrage over Johnny Depp’s Tonto performance last year?

    Wasn’t it just a wee bit condescending, stereotypical and demeaning what he offered up in that performance? I mean what Native American runs around with an entire freaking stuffed bird on his head wearing mime make up?

    look up Tonto is No Captain Jack on YouTube to see for yourself. He’s a parody, a clown, an imbecile playing in makeup.

  2. I wanna know when the left is gonna get all upset about SQUAW VALLEY Ski Resort? You want bigotry and racism? The word “squaw” doesn’t even get you points on a Scrabble game. So offensive it is now considered vulgar. Libs? Anyone?

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