ObamaCare Death Panel Up And Running – IOTW Report

ObamaCare Death Panel Up And Running


Woman in class-action lawsuit against Xerox dies

Time ran out for Linda Rolain.

The Las Vegas woman died Monday, less than two weeks after her family went public with details about Nevada Health Link insurance exchange enrollment troubles that kept her from treatment in January for an aggressive brain tumor.

Rolain was one of about 150 Nevadans suing Nevada Health Link contractor Xerox for enrollment mix-ups that left them without the health insurance they paid for.

Rolain is the first to die of complications from an illness said to have gone untreated for lack of coverage. But observers close to her case say she may not be the last.

“We are worried that this is the first of many Nevadans who have life-threatening issues that may end up in such tragic circumstances. We urge all Nevadans to verify that their insurance is active and in place in light of the many problems that hundreds, if not thousands, of Nevadans have gone through,” Rolain’s law firm, Callister, Immerman and Associates, said in a statement.

Local insurance broker Pat Casale, who in May began to help Rolain with her enrollment issues, said he wouldn’t be surprised if there were at least another 100 Nevadans facing both coverage problems and “urgent and emergent” health care needs.


8 Comments on ObamaCare Death Panel Up And Running

  1. I used to be embarrassed “batting cleanup”, caring for patients in hospice after bad medical care. This adds a whole new layer of fucked-upness.

    Guess what else we have now? Previously covered medications are now denied by Medicare. If you want to continue these medications they’ll be out of pocket, if you can convince your doc to continue to prescribe. Never mind the fact that by the time you get to hospice, you’ve likely exhausted all of your resources. I’ve had the burden of sorting through this with several of my families since the first of May. Nothing like being the face to face person who breaks the news.

    I’ve heard some astonishing lines of reasoning to discontinue certain medications. Essentially, the government is telling our patients to hurry up and die already.

    God damn them.

  2. Fast Forward Five Years: After the Crash.
    When the Term: ‘The Mussolini Treatment’ enters the national lexicon for what happens to those who violate the Public Trust.
    Similar to ‘The Pelosi Treatment’ only in scope and materials used.

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