What Adam Richman Learned – IOTW Report

What Adam Richman Learned

The Other McCain

Maybe you haven’t heard about this controversy, but it’s a helpful lesson in the unstated rules of 21st-century discourse. Adam Richman is a former actor and self-educated chef who, for four seasons 2008-2011, was the star of the Travel Channel series Man vs. Food and its sequel,Man vs. Food Nation. The show was a favorite of mine. If you’ve never seen it, the gimmick was this: Richman would go to a city and visit several of his favorite restaurants in the city. Each episode would conclude with Richman taking on a challenge, which usually involved him gobbling down some ungodly number of sandwiches — or burgers, pizza, “Atomic Hot Wings,” whatever — in order to have his picture placed on the restaurant’s “Wall of Fame.”

It was fun to watch and the food was always delicious-looking, but inevitably Richman got kind of pudgy from all that eating. Then he went on a diet and lost 70 pounds, becoming sufficiently fit that he was photographed nude for the British edition of Cosmopolitan.

Understandably, Richman was proud of his dieting success, so he posted a photo of himself wearing a pair of pants from his “fat” size, holding out the waist to show how much he had lost. When he posted this photo on Instagram, he used the hashtag #thinspiration.

That hashtag apparently invited a harsh comment from a “body image” activist (as angry fat chicks now call themselves), and Richman did not react wisely: “DILLIGAF?” (Do I Look Like I Give a F–k) was his first comment, and this attracted another “body image” activist who “made a post about Adam’s ‘DILLIGAF’ comment on my personal Instagram, and asked my followers to ‘tell him that eating disorders are not a joke and nothing to take lightly.’ My followers did just that, but I didn’t for one second predict the vitriol that followed.”



12 Comments on What Adam Richman Learned

  1. Yeah, No more tv, had to spend about half of last Christmas Day with this jerk playing in the background. It got old quickly.

    If I wanted to see someone shoveling food in their face with both hands, I’ve got and ex-wife and a couple of ex-gf’s that I could look up.

  2. Stacy McCain hits one out of the park.

    I enjoy Adam’s show, albeit in small doses, but his pre-interviews with the chefs, and preparation of the wide assortment of dishes really keeps my attention.

    It is always fun when he visits places I have been.

    I have done a couple fat chicks, too.

    Now go make me a ##%! sandwich, already.

  3. Eating disorders?

    Is that what they call it now to validate their gluttony?

    Yes…yes it is a joke you moo moos, and trust me; no one can take it lightly when you heifers are around.

    G-d I am so sick of everybody trying to give a name to their indulgences and depravity to justify it…Let’s just admit it, it’s not a disease, a disorder or whatever name you give it….it’s your inability for self-control and discipline.

    Your ‘disease’, your ‘disorder’ is nothing more than hedonism.

  4. Last para in the article:

    “By categorizing all disagreement as hate, feminists are attempting to dictate rules of discourse whereby they win every argument simply by virtue of the fact that they possess vaginas. And because they preemptively categorize all critics as misognynistic monsters undeserving of respect, feminists thereby authorize themselves to employ Any Means Necessary to destroy their critics.”

    Cut and paste it into a saved Word doc. You can edit it to put whichever synthetically offended group (person) you wish and it will save a lot of time typing it out when you need it.

  5. Ever notice that if you respond respectfully and thoughtfully to trolls they just spew the same crap and avoid responding to your counter-argument.

    Sometimes you have swear at the idiots to wake them out of their “I’m PC and superior” stupor and make an idiot out of their post by pointing out the stupidity of their ideas.

    BFH is one of the most entertaining (and best) troll slayers around.

  6. DILLIGAF ???

    I haven’t watched a cooking show since Julia Child croaked, and I only watched her because she was unintentionally hilarious.

    @Abilail, as I was reading that paragraph, I thought the same thing. Just replace “vaginas” with “lots of melanin”.

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