Gasbag Bill O’Reilly bashes Murrieta protesters, calls illegals “victims” – IOTW Report

Gasbag Bill O’Reilly bashes Murrieta protesters, calls illegals “victims”


I’m really getting sick and tired of practically everyone in the media, including Bill O’Reilly and others on Fox News calling these diseased illegals flooding the border ‘victims.’

They are not victims. The people who have to waste their hard earned tax payer dollars on these illegals are the victims. These illegals bring nothing to this country other than crime, diseases, and more money wasted on entitlement spending. This whole charade as organized by Obama, the progressive liberal Democrats and Karl Rove Republicans to try and gain sympathy for these illegals, and gasbag Bill O’Reilly is falling right into that trap.

Watch as O’Reilly bashes the protesters in Murrieta for daring not to want these illegals in their city:



29 Comments on Gasbag Bill O’Reilly bashes Murrieta protesters, calls illegals “victims”

  1. That affected snort sound he makes from time to time is one reason vomit bags come in handy. Let’s not forget it is an extreme talent to be Fair & Balanced at such a level.

  2. Back in the day we use to watch the News. Now days we watch News Shows. I’m just barely smart enough to not require some asshole interpreting what they just reported to me.

  3. Send these people to sanctuary cities… Let those that are calling for their care support them… Let Pelosi put some up in her mansion and winery estate. Let the facebook scrounge put people up in the surrounding area of his estate he is buying up to provide a security zone around himself. Let the people who want this make the financial sacrifice instead of telling us to do it to be compassionate. I may not be a political mind, but what it feels like is these idiots are advocating to diminish and destroy the identity of this country and its greatness. As a final thought, I wonder if Bill O’blowhard thinks his opinions will be carried on Telemundo…

  4. He is one of the golden boys at FooxUp Newz.

    His mouth is often engaged without the brain joining the party.

    A first class fool regardless of how much he makes.

  5. o reilly is still on the air? I thought the blond irish chick would end his career.

    I stopped believing in oreilly when he paid off his victim for his sexual harassment complaint.

  6. I have several friends who came from Mexico legally, and they don’t like the illegals, either. O’Reilly lost me years ago, but he’s really gone off the deep end with this. Hey, Bill? How about you let them all move into your neighborhood,,and you provide food and housing for them on YOUR dime? Put your bucks where you gigantic mouth is, asshat!

  7. Does his tongue/lips have a brown tinge?

    I wouldn’t know, not having watched anything Fox since Nov 7, 2012.

    Made my wife happy, though. My yelling at the dumb bastid during the Factor was distressing her greatly.

    You know what they say; distressed wife/miserable life. Nobody wants that….

  8. The red flag should be that he’s always #1 in the ratings.

    An intelligent person would ask himself “How can that be?”
    It’s because he tries to cater to both sides.
    He’s got a lot of the “Fox crowd” who just stay tuned no matter what, PLUS a growing number of leftards who like what they hear from the King of RINO bloviators.
    It’s a win-win for this egomaniac.

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