Report: Crack Dealing, Sexting, Manslaughter By VA Employees – IOTW Report

Report: Crack Dealing, Sexting, Manslaughter By VA Employees


An oversight report of the Veterans Administration (VA) released last week by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) is full of examples of “egregious employee misconduct” ranging  from skipping work and stealing a crucifix from the neck of a dying veteran to crack dealing, sexting, manslaughter andconspiring to “kidnap, rape and murder women and children.”

The report, “Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA,” is “based on a year-long investigation of VA hospitals around the nation that chronicled the inappropriate conduct and incompetence within the VA that led to well-documented deaths and delays,” according to Sen. Coburn’s office.

The report contains so many shocking instances of VA employee misconduct that the senator’s office released a “Top 10 Outrageous VA Behaviors” list summarizing some of the more striking instances of employee misconduct, with a sex offender and a crack dealer topping the list.

Jose Bejar, a male neurologist with the Kansas VA in Topeka, lost his medical license and was registered as a sex offender after five female veterans filed sexual misconduct charges against him in 2011. He was placed on paid administrative leave for two years before pleading no contest to “conducting inappropriate pelvic and breast examinations on patients.”



8 Comments on Report: Crack Dealing, Sexting, Manslaughter By VA Employees

  1. This surprises no vet that’s ever dealt with the VA. I suggest regular American civilians take a cruise through your local VA. Go for a stroll through the facility and simply observe. As Mallard Fillmore said in a recent strip – “For those of you who, unlike me, haven’t dealt with the V.A. hospital system, just imagine for a moment, if the D.M.V. and the Post Office had the power to kill you.”

  2. A friend of mine (and I use the term “friend” loosely)has an ex-fiance who works at the VA in Durham as a valet. He told me that when she went to work there the other valets actually informed/instructed her about how to steal money and personal belongings from the cars without being caught by the cameras etc. I just attributed it to being a matter of a bunch of minimum wage Obama-sons in a Dem city taking advantage of the sick and elderly, but I suppose that if the culture of corruption within the VA system runs deep enough, even the grunts become part of the grift!

  3. That was a very hard read. Are all VA employees unionized? The article didn’t say.

    There’s not one gov’t agency that is not run by theives, liars, incompetents and indifference to Americans.


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