SHOCK REPORT: Nearly 1.3 Million of 8 Million Obamacare Enrollees May Be Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

SHOCK REPORT: Nearly 1.3 Million of 8 Million Obamacare Enrollees May Be Illegal Immigrants

From Gateway Pundit

Do you remember when Barack Obama promised that illegal aliens would not be covered under Obamacare?

It was a lie.

Now we know that nearly 1.3 million of the 8 million Obamacare enrollees may not be legal citizens.
Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson released this information in his June report (page 11).

More here at Gateway Pundit

11 Comments on SHOCK REPORT: Nearly 1.3 Million of 8 Million Obamacare Enrollees May Be Illegal Immigrants

  1. He lies all the time. A sociopath. A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways

  2. Enrollee is not necessarily a “payee”. They should have to buy car insurance and health insurance. But how much in scammed subsidies is going to go the deficit?

  3. So obozo’s ‘legitimate’ reason to flood the country with more illegals is in order to boost his lousy Zerocare numbers.

    To the US Supremes, ESAD you traitors, for assisting the Usurper in one of his initiatives to wreck the country.

  4. @SO sick –

    “…So obozo’s ‘legitimate’ reason to flood the country with more illegals is in order to boost his lousy Zerocare numbers…”

    Yep! That, and to overwhelm the welfare system.

  5. So if I am reading this correctly, you are reporting that obuma moved his lips and a lie came out?
    Wow how shocking, I have no idea what to say since everything, whether humorous or serious to say about his lying has been said.

    Guess we need a new topic.

  6. The title should say “8 million ALLEGED enrollees”.

    They refuse to prove how they arrived at those numbers, so I think it’s a lie – like everything else emanating out of the DC cesspool. They also say the economy is improving and that the unemployment rate is 6.1%.

    I’ll bet the real numbers are closer to less than 1 million, and most of those people are really sick.

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