If ‘Aspen Ideas’ Were Conservative, It Would Be Called Racist – IOTW Report

If ‘Aspen Ideas’ Were Conservative, It Would Be Called Racist

Black & Right

The left is adept when it comes to nuance thus they are very good at interpreting the motives of others based on things that may be purely coincidental. And let’s not even get into the hypocrisy… then again, let’s.

Take a look at those who have and will appear at the progressive Aspen Ideas Festival this year. You could pretty much say the same things, on face value, about them that liberals would say if we were talking about CPAC.

They are mostly white, older, affluent.

The location of the event is not exactly people-of-color friendly as Aspen, known as a playground for the rich and famous, is neither easy to access or a place with relatively affordable accommodations. In other words, it could be assumed that people-of-color weren’t wanted and that’s why that location was chosen.

Also because rich people would be there, it’s a magnet for any of the white political money-suckers who would be welcomed guests in their homes.



9 Comments on If ‘Aspen Ideas’ Were Conservative, It Would Be Called Racist

  1. Oh, the libs will have people of color there – how else will they get around in their limos, eat lavish lunches and dinners, and have their rooms made up in the morning.

  2. I paged thru and looked at what most all of them do.

    This is a group of people that don’t MAKE ANYTHING. Consultants, actors, academics, foundation peeps, artists……

    If the world ended tomorrow this bunch of losers would starve.

  3. Big MOOOOCH went “skiing” there I believe last winter;) the regulars…the people without big bucks were pissed because of roadblocks of her entourage. I have never known such a pissed off black woman want so desperately to be white. Ain’t gonna happen. I skied in all those places in Colorado almost every year for twenty years and one thing you never saw was blacks skiing. Oh…is black no longer a correct term?

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