Carina Kolodny – – IOTW Report

Carina Kolodny –

…please don’t wish me a “Happy Independence Day!”

The 4th of July might commemorate the independence of our country — but it also serves as a bitter reminder that in 1776, the country that I love had no place for me in it.

When our founding fathers penned, “All men are created equal,” they meant it. Not all people. Not all humans. Just all men — the only reason they didn’t feel obliged to specify “white” men is because, at the time, men of color were considered less than men, less than human.

The 4th is not my Independence Day — and if you’re a Caucasian woman, it isn’t yours either. Our “independence” didn’t come for another 143 years, with the passage of The Woman’s Suffrage Amendment in 1919. The 4th of July is also not Independence Day for people of color. It wasn’t until the 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870 that all men had the right to vote regardless of race — on paper, that is, not in practice. People of color were systematically, and all too successfully, disenfranchised for another century. July 4th of 1776 was certainly not a day of Independence or reverence for Native Americans. It wasn’t until 1924 that Native Americans could unilaterally become citizens of the United States and have the voting rights to go with it.

Now, before anyone argues that Independence is about more than voting rights, I’d like to point out that our Founding Fathers would fundamentally disagree with you. The Revolutionary War was fought, in large part, because of “taxation without representation” — the then English colonists believed they were not free because their voices were not represented. The right to vote, the right to have your say is the delineating characteristic of a democracy.

There is nothing finite about freedom. July 4, 1776 was a definitive step forward in the struggle toward freedom and democracy but we were a long way off from achieving it. And while we have advanced in leaps and bounds — my patriotic swimwear goes over way better in Williamsburg, Brooklyn than it would have in Colonial Williamsburg — we are still a far way off from the freedom and independence we’re celebrating.

resurgence in voter ID laws put in place to once again disenfranchise minorities challenges our collective independence.

This week’s Hobby Lobby ruling — deciding that a woman’s employer has any say in her health care — is a challenge to the ideology of freedom and autonomy our country was founded upon.

The on-going fight for marriage equality prevents same-sex couples in many states from the pursuit of happiness that they are constitutionally guaranteed.


Search the rest of this ridiculousness, if you want to read more of Carol’s deep thoughts, on Huff Poop.

HT/ illustr8r

50 Comments on Carina Kolodny –

  1. Maybe because it is 4 in the morning here–but this makes such little sense to me. I didn’t obtain my freedom until I was born. We are celebrating what this country did and at the time Carol Pooh, that was a pretty spectacular thing. Please please all of you crappy liberals/progressives/radicals go away. Just go the hell away. I am one proud independent woman who wants you to go stick your head in a toilet.

  2. It really is a shame someone can be so pathetic and morally bankrupt. What’s even more pathetic is that no/low-info voters fall for the outright lies and fake outrage.

  3. I think of how ironic it is that they take “all men are created equal” in such a literal sense, but then bastardize the idea of “shall not be infringed” into meaning something totally ambiguous.

  4. How big is that log on her shoulder?
    Yup, she has a right to all the birth control and abortions she wants, (not that anyone would want to screw her), she also has the right to pay for them.

  5. Well now Carina Kolostomy, yer welcome to go live in the Middle East (BTW – you don’t have to go far, try Dearborn) where they haven’t evolved in 1400 years and still treat women like property! Some of the most heinous practices against women occur every day over there as well as keeping the slave trade alive and well, yet you are so wrapped up in yourself that you can’t or won’t see it. I’m guessing it’s the later. This country has so much to offer because the Founding Fathers gave us the freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that allowed us to develop, evolve and lead, but since there is not one muzlim signature on the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights I guess that makes them more superior, right?
    While you are on your personal jihad against the founding fathers, I dare you to try and find a muzlim marching band playing Sousa marches today, or muzlims shaking hands with the Muslim Girl Scouts or muzlim Boy Scouts? Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper? Yeah, I know, that’s sexist! Not even a simple statement of belief in goodwill towards men and peace on Earth, but hey, at least they weren’t associated with those meanies that started this country!!

  6. I have a particular friend from Cuban in Miami who always emphasizes having a great Independence day.

    His last email ended with this

    ‘Have a happy and safe 4th my friend.’

    I don’t usually wish people a happy Forth of July, but after speaking to him, I am more inclined to, so.

    ‘Have a happy and safe 4th my virtual friends.’

  7. If these people hate America so damn much, why not simply move to whatever country you believe is a model paradise and be done with?
    Seriously, i am so sick of listening to these idiots, I can’t tell you. I have been to many of the country which they promote their utopian ideology and I can tell you categorically, it ain’t no friggin paradise.

    But i have to agree with David T, of all days, why give her an apple crate? we are forced to listen to this clap trap 364 days a year. let us have one day without them

  8. Let me see, cause just with yesterday’s news alone I would say that the W H I T E M A N was under assault from every other PERSON on the planet including the WHITE WOMAN.

    Thanks for reminding me there are those who “feel” they have it worse off than I and doing it on the 4th, you useless bag.

  9. I didn’t bother reading past “the country that I love had no place for me in it.”

    How much could she possible love this country if she would write that? And why should I slog through her “dear diary, everybody is mean to me” bullshit that follows?

    I’m with Rush. I can intellectually comprehend that there are Americans who hate this country. I just don’t understand why they do. It is completely foreign to me.

  10. Stupid bimbo should learn some history – one of the first casualties at the Boston Massacre was Crispus Attucks,a FREED slave. Many others fought right along side “old white guys” for freedom.
    If it doesn’t fit your narrative, lie or ignore the facts.

  11. I’ve been beaten severely about the head and shoulders the last several days for positing how stupid we were for giving wimmin & youts the vote, because their self-interests are for security, not independence or the common good.

    Okay, I’ll change my tune – only property owners should be given the franchise. If you don’t have any “skin” in the game, you can’t vote and especially if you’re taking any sort of pay-out from the gubmint (excepting my meager military retirement & SS, which was EARNED!).

    Happy Independence Day anyway, Miz Clodknee. You are a twisted, indoctrinated imbecile with zero clue about history, facts and truth, but because of who we are, you have a home among us even though you’re bubbling over with stupidity and full of hate.

    What is a tragedy for this once great country is so many out there “think” like she does. The Marxists have done their dirty deeds well.

  12. Dear Strange Lady,
    Someone hands you an ice cream cone on the 4th of July, you complain about white flour hegemony, dairy conditions and ethics of owning livestock, and unfair free trade practice with third world countries for exotic flavorings.
    If you want a perfect country that has no sharp edges and not a stain or blemish, shoot yourself in the face. You will not find it short of Heaven.

  13. I’m surprized, should I be?, that Adrianna Huffington, a Greek born American citizen, whose net worth is reportedly fifty million, would permit
    such scurrilous nonsence in the
    HuffPost on Independence Day.
    Carina Kolodny is a man-hating bigot. No further comment.

    Happy Independence Day to all of you at IOTW and God Bless America.

  14. She better be one of those people volunteering to go on that one way trip to Mars.

    That’s because this dumb crunt forgets to realize that every country throughout Earth’s history basically grew up a lot like the US. Men where on top. That’s just how it was. She gonna move to the Middle East today? Eh, no. Africa? She’ll be treated 2nd rate there too, but at least she won’t get honor killed in the Christian areas.

    She can’t go to Europe or South America, basically because the same reason she foams at the mouth for about the 4th of July here. So she is basically screwed wherever she goes. Except Mars, she can land there and finally feel liberated. Well that is until they find some ancient civilization’s history buried in a mountain someplace and finds out their ancients also treated women the same way.

    One last thing, if this idiot had any sense of history, she would see how women helped shaped this country. The writings of many of the important players during the Revolution often give lavish praise for the support of their wives and their support. Women held down the farms/homes while their husbands were off fighting.

  15. If you don’t like it here, Miss Chronic Malcontent, why don’t you try living someplace like oh, I don’t know, Saudi Arabia, maybe?

    You’d look better with your face covered up, anway.

  16. It is entertaining when some progressive attempts to display their knowledge by pointing out nuanced items to criticize all the while missing the single most significant aspects of the subject at hand.

    While employing the modern urge of instant gratification of the things one desires they fail to recognize the reality that things such as individual rights evolve through trial and tribulation. This is why the document being wrongly criticized says ‘the pursuit’ of happiness rather than happiness. The authors were prescient enough to know that social evolution would come but had no idea what that would look like.

    What they did understand that is often lost with the modern progressive was the historical abuses of power and their declaration that the source of power was quite progressive when contrasted with the forms of government that proceeded them.

    Rather than being grateful that these efforts provided the foundation, as imperfect as they were when contrasted with modern thinking, they laid the foundation for the modern progressive to complain openly and whine about its imperfections.

    This is because the progressive envisions a world that ought to or should have been. The conservative has a worldview as it is. Only one of those views is based in reality.

  17. Wasn’t Betsy Ross a woman? She was honored and revered for making our first flag. She had to keep it secret so not to get killed. She loved this new country of hers and what it represented. She knew after the war that she was free from Brittains rules. She knew she was included in the Declaration of Independence. This Corina bitch needs a history lesson.

  18. Lefties and Progs that can’t write worth shit always seem to end up at the Huff n Puff. There they get to write for free (which was a huge selling point when AOL bought them) so it would seem that the writer is still a slave only to her own kind. In any event someone who spews that much venom over something she professes doesn’t mean much to her is someone with extreme self esteem issues.

    In any event, Happy Independence Day to our friends to the south (and west and east).

  19. She should have an addadicktome and be done with it, but then he’d complain about the lack of government funding for condoms, jock itch, or male pattern baldness.

  20. So a progressive writing for a communist outlet expresses her dislike for her country ? Wow, who could have seen that coming ?

    Happy and safe 4th my friends !

  21. People who use 21 century attitudes to rip into our 17th And 18th century forefathers achievements really don’t deserve the air time and exposure they are given.

  22. This stupid skank is right, there is no place in MY America for her. We don’t need her and her leftist bullshit.

    Go move to a country where an ignorant bitch like you can be really free like Sudan or Iran and please, please don’t leave a forwarding address.

    Consume a large portion of fecal material and expire bitch!


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