Police Choke Hold Man for Selling Untaxed Cigarettes – DEAD! – IOTW Report

Police Choke Hold Man for Selling Untaxed Cigarettes – DEAD!

UPDATE: Medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer said Friday that Eric Garner’s July 17 death has been ruled a homicide.

story here


61 Comments on Police Choke Hold Man for Selling Untaxed Cigarettes – DEAD!

  1. Oh crap. Now we have Sharpton on the move. Otherwise, quite frankly, I hope these officers get fired. And more. I hate to say it, but go Sharpton!

    I am tired of officers who step over the line. I, myself have been a victim of a testosterone-drug-ridden dirty officer stepping over the line. The police suck. They look at us like we are all out to get them. And they are a fraternity to protect only themselves.

  2. Fucking cigarettes. They cause so much trouble. They should be banned.
    Fucking stupid laws. They cause so much trouble.
    They should be banned.
    Fucking stupid cops, enforceing these stupid laws.
    Oh what the fuck!

  3. Fucking midget cop finally got what he was after. He’s overcome his insecurities and killed someone. Justifiably so. Damn law breakers not paying taxes on smokes . Sarc off

  4. Thousands of sanctimonious NYers are paralyzed by the choice of whom to scorn: thug police to the nasty cigarette purveyor.

    Damn. Going to have to re-think my cash biz idea.

  5. Police don’t take kindly to being told anything. “Don’t touch me” and “I can’t breathe” are just wind up statements.

    Just how long has the choke-hold been out of the department’s repertoire?

  6. Let me tell you a story:
    As a young patrolman I was once assigned to 116th Street subway station on the “AA” Line in NYC. This was a real shithole. Only junkies, whores, and pimps used this station after midnight. It was about three am and it was quiet. I went in to the Cashiers both to coop. The cashier was a black man named Thomas, a Marine, and a decent guy. We were chatting, when about 4Am this giant of a man came to the booth, threw a dollar bill torn in half through the porthole and said to Thomas. hey nigger give me a fuckin token.
    Thomas told him to fuck off. The giant told Thomas well fuck you too. He walked through the gate without paying. For fifteen cents? Whats the big deal? Well it’s more than that. I put on my tunic,adjusted my hat and decided that this fucking guy is not going to get away with this.

    He was there on the platform, alone, six foot three, 240 pounds of pure black and there was I approaching him,Six foot 173 pound, white guy ready to shit his pants. (But I had Mr.Smith and Wesson with me).
    As I approached this giant I put my hand in my pocket and said to him Hey I hear you have a torn dollar bill. He said Yeah. I said let me have it and I’ll give you a full dollar bill. He did and I did. So then I said to him. Why don’t You go back to the booth and apoligise to the clerk and buy a token. He agreed and thanked me.
    He asked Thomas for forgiveness. Thomas gave him two tokens for the price of one.
    That’s the way policing used to be. Before Al Sharpton came along.

  7. Being overweight like that didn’t help the guy much. His heart might have been overworking for years (a dozen things could have weaken his heart; i.e. heart murmurs to high blood pressure to clogged arteries) and all it took was a lack of oxygen for too long a period in his case to do him in. BTW, there’s a difference in not having enough air in your lungs to supply you with oxygen and not having enough blood oxygen in your system–the latter being a factor attributable to heart disease in many cases. Maybe I’m wrong, but still, that weight.

  8. If that dumb son of a bitch would have followed the lawful commands that were given to him by the police officers.. he’d still be alive.
    Resisting arrest was stupid on his part. he was wrong.. now he’s dead wrong..
    these dumb shits think they can either talk or walk their way out of an arrest.
    personally, I would have rather seen him tazed and laughed while he pissed his pants.

  9. Ricky’s right.

    But a 400-lb. asthmatic might not have survived a Taser, either. At his age and with his conditions, he may have had early pulmonary emboli which will shut down one’s breathing ability in short order, as will an asthmatic attack due to panic.

    Also, it’s not the little guy (“DD”) who choke-held him but the tall one in the green shirt.

    Though I’ve never experienced a choke hold, I think it is designed to cut off blood circulation to the brain. It’d be difficult to constrict the trachea in the crook of the elbow, but the carotids are easily compressed in that position. The idea is to turn loose as soon as the perp loses consciousness, O/W he’ll die.

  10. Well, there SHOULD be a death penalty for untaxed cigarettes!

    Didn’t Patrick Henry say “Give me (untaxed) cigarettes or give me death!”?

    Do I have to do the ‘/sarc/off’ thing?

    Sheesh! OK! /sarc/off

  11. @venturaguy:

    He did not look like he was submitting to arrest – put your hands out, let them put the cuffs on and you will not be choked.

    Does that badge taste better the longer you suck on it?

  12. If I put a choke hold on someone, and he dies as a result, I’ll be charged with (at a minimum) manslaughter.

    I assume that Officer Daniel Pantaleo will be charged as such?

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA …. I kid, I kid.

    We all know that having a badge means you’re licensed to kill now days.

  13. One more thing. Thank God for video cameras.

    This had better be evidence enough for every federal, state and local jurisdiction to make citizen video recording a police incident legal.

  14. It’s nearly impossible to explain in a hushed courtroom how it feels to attempt to subdue a man or a woman who is resisting. A small violent woman can give two or three policemen a difficult time. It is absolutely impossible to subue a person who is resisting and violent without touching them. And it is absofuckinglutely impossible to explain to a bottom feeder lawyer, exactly why you had to use SUCH force,and impress a jury that your only intention was to subdue the scumbag and go home to your wife and kids. A jury that has spent most of their life watching Starky and Hutch, Jack Webb, Tom Sellick,Cagney and Lacey, and all the other bullshit police movies.
    Look, there are bad, even sadistic cops, but they are few and far between. Most of the cops I served with in New York were real men, men who could break your nose at the bat of an eye, but would give fifty cents to a bum to go get a cup of coffee. Policework has changed, and not for the better. When you have a great Police Commissioner like Bill Bratton having to sit on a dias with the likes of NYC Mayor Che BeBlasio and arch scumbag Al Sharpton, and have to listen to Sharpton dictate how the NYPD should be run. Then we are all in trouble.
    Bottom line: Resisting Arrest is a Crime. That’s why we have (had) a Court system.

  15. Never mind that cigarettes should be a freely traded commodity and that this man did nothing morally wrong. The moral criminals in this case are the police. In our corrupt system they will get their hands slapped. It’s the taxpayers who will pay.

  16. The big question is why a NY peace officer was using a banned control & restraint technique during Garner’s arrest.

    Heads need to roll, not just Napoleon’s. Heads.

  17. The politicians in New York jacked up the taxes on cigarettes to “save lives” and make money. Trouble is only the immobile poor are stuck with the $10 to $12 packs of Marlboro. People who can, go to PA, even South Carolina to buy cigarettes. This pisses off the NY politicians so they sic the police on guys who are making a buck selling packs of Marlboro for $5. I have pity for Mr. Garner and his family, I have more pity for the cops involved. I have nothing but contempt for the “do-gooder” politicians. Fuckem!

  18. J Frank P. The choke hold has been used since the beginning of time and a means of defense. It was banned by pussies who never had a fight. Try taking a leak without unzipping your fly.

  19. When I was teaching at a Yeshiva I told my boys:
    * always say “yes sir” or “no sir”
    * always, even if you are 100% certain you are in the right, DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. It does not matter at that point if you are right- what matters is you have an armed officer who wants to go home at the end of the day and they are understandable ‘jumpy’
    * court is the place to argue your case. If you are in the right it will get flushed out there. If the officer was 100% out of line you can sue him after the fact because you will be alive and NOT dead.

    This was tragic and needless and for what it is worth that dude’s family just one the Powerball of law suites against NYC.

  20. The rear takedown changed 20 years ago Moe, it doesn’t involve compression to the carotids and trachea. Not going to describe it here and put it out on the street.

    Choke holds are banned as control and restraint for a reason, this suspect’s death for example.

    Fighting for your life in a deadly force encounter is another matter. Did Garner offer deadly force?

  21. Lessons to be learned from this horrible tragedy:
    1. Cops are people and people make mistakes.
    2. Cell phone videos are the tool/weapon against overly aggressive police behavior (and tyranny anywhere, for all to see).
    3. Don’t try to cheat the tax man of his due. The system will grind you to a pulp (or worse) if the coffers aren’t overflowing with their tithes.

  22. Pelopidas@ You are so correct. In a civilized society that’s the way things should be. And yes there will be a “Powerball” suite and the Taxpayers
    of New York City will pay.


    For God’s sake use some discretion. Use your Goddamned head. The man was not a clear and present danger to the community and was not a wanted felon.

    It impresses me as “ax to grind” policing and I can sympathize with that… up to a point. But that was not called for here. I think he probably “beat the rap” earlier and that means he “cheated” them of some revenue. He’s providing a service the community is willing to take advantage of and that is all.

    Black, white or purple, the man was never a danger to the community. Enforce, but use whatever brains God gave you. It isn’t worthy of killing the gentleman over. Use the brain God gave you and don’t rough the man up.

    From every indication he had been a scoff law, but basically harmless to the community. The only thing he was harming was revenue collection by the State and the state.

    These bastards were looking to curry favor with the state and that means the governing class and that is the bottom line.

    Rush has said for decades to: “follow the money” whenever scandal rears it’s ugly head and I say that this man’s crime was cutting in on the state’s action and as such the state made him into public enemy number one, even though he is harmless to the community at large.

    Look it up and I bet far more serious crime occurred within a half mile radius within hours that was not their number one priority.

    Politicians are all about revenue first and last and then what the community cares about later.

    Follow the money is great advice most often when an incident comes up. If I were Mayor, which I never will be, that is the investigation that needs be front and center.

    That being said, the cops deserve whatever they get here. They used poor judgement, regardless of their motivation.

  24. @kimosabe,

    You nailed it. This man was “cheating” politicians out of money. NOT THE PUBLIC because that money would never make it down to the community. It would be used to “buy votes with” and that is what motivated this attack.

    Politicians are the scum of the earth and the bain of our society. They use real public servants that are looking to climb the ladder and these cops wanted to be heroes. That is my GUESS. But it is not a WAG, it is based on experience. Look at policies and more importantly practices that were directed from on high.

    My guess is that politicians wanted to be seen as the only benefactor to the community, but residents saw it differently and liked this man and his nefarious activities. They saw him as a benefactor and that is strictly off limits especially in a place like he did business.

    The man was basically harmless to the community, they would NEVER see the tax stamp revenues so they did what is logical. Bought cigarettes from him. The powers that be sent the message downstream, I friggin’ guarantee it, that “get him” would be rewarded.

    Follow the damn money. Never forget that and focus on it and truth will win out.

  25. J Frank. Did Garner comply with a lawful order?
    When, on the street, at what point, does it turn to “fighting for your life”? For Chrissake police are supposed to be able to do everything and they just can’t. They can’t “wing” him like Roy Rogers used to do. Or shoot the gun out of his hand like
    Hopalong Cassidy,and they can’t talk sense into his head like Jack Webb. There is going to be a fight. Yes a fight. And the cop has the right to defend himself and go home to his family. In this case if the cop tasered Mr. Garner and he died. Then what?
    If the choke hold was banned 20 years ago, so be it. Try grabbing a bull around the shoulders and see where that will get you.

  26. get bent, moe tom

    cops have changed, life has changed, it aint Andy from Mayberry no more

    give him a fucking ticket and walk away

    i am sick and fucking tired of the gestapo/swat mentality

  27. J.F.P. I’m sure the cop didn’t want to kill Mr. Garner. And if Mr. Garner was selling bootleg cigarettes on my beat, he’d still be selling them.
    And I’d be smoking again. But not to make light of it, the idea that the government can ban sales of cigarettes, ban smoking, yet tax cigarettes is pure bullshit. The banning of booze in the twenties caused more crime. We have the same problem here.
    I blame the politicians. The cops are in the middle and only the poor and the taxpayers pay.

  28. Come on guys . Watch the video again. There was no reason for the midget killer to latch onto this guys throat like a Pit Bull. The two normal sized cops had him under control. The midget murdered someone cause he was, is, a fucking bitter midget.

  29. The issue is deadly force (choke hold, banned technique) was used on a suspect to effect an arrest where the arrestee offered no deadly force resisting his arrest. An autopsy will prove/disprove it as the proximate cause of death. Maybe he was a fat asthmatic, 2 pack-a-day walrus that asphyxiated on his own blubber.

    This is about nothing else. Not cigarettes, blacks, taxes, dog shooting cops, or winning street fights.

  30. J Frank . Cause of death is done. He was murdered. The midget killed him with an illegal choke hold. I think this big old huge bastard was Green Mile dumb and payed the price. I don’t often come down in support of this color of the rainbow. But this was Bull Shit ,

  31. Sleeping giant. Sure. “just give him a fucking ticket and walk away.” What if that’s what the cop wanted to do? Wait ’till all the facts come out. That cop and Mr.Garner had words before that camera came on. The cop did not just go up and grab him by the arm and suddenly six cops appear on the scene.
    No further comment from here.

  32. Bad Brad. One more comment. Murder requires premedation. The medical examiner’s talking head, Julie Bolcer, called it a homocide. I call it accidental death. Let’s see what happens in court.
    Bolcer will come off the stand with a new asshole.

  33. Many cops have become monsters. I’ve seen too many videos of cops beating unconscious people because they lost control of themselves. If I saw a cop beating an unconscious person, I’d gun him down. Texas law allows for it. Read up on it. Yeah, I might get railroaded by the system, but I won’t watch a cop beat a defenseless man to death, just because he went ape-shit.

  34. @moe tom – amen to that. I too was trained by old school cops and the golden tongue defense. ‘Tis always better to talk your way out of a dicey situation.

    We don’t get our cops from a clone factory in Utah. They are recruited from our own communities. As the moral character of our nation goes down the tubes, so does the prospective pool of public servants. It’s sad, very sad.

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