Twigs and Berries In The Girl’s Room On Campuses – IOTW Report

Twigs and Berries In The Girl’s Room On Campuses

College Fix-

EVANSTON, ILL. – Northwestern University will offer “gender-open restrooms” to its students this fall.

“We are trying to be responsive to the needs of all of our students and to be inclusive,” campus spokesman Bob Rowley said in an email to The College Fix. “This is becoming a common occurrence on campuses across the U.S.”

At Northwestern, the two sex-segregated bathrooms to be changed will simply have their front door placards replaced to reflect the transition – no major renovations are planned. The bathrooms are located on the third floor of the university’s main building that serves as the campus hub.

Northwestern joins the estimated 150 campuses across the nation that now offer some sort of gender-open restrooms, also called gender-neutral, unisex, or all-gender bathrooms, according to a tally by the LGTBQ group Stonewall at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


They are  being responsive to everyone’s needs except the students who don’t want  the opposite sex in their bathroom. So, they are not being responsive to everyone’s needs.

Why is that so hard for the intelligentsia to understand?


8 Comments on Twigs and Berries In The Girl’s Room On Campuses

  1. So straight up gays are no longer cool. They were the first 3% majority in world history, overcoming mathematical facts through greatness, I guess. Though I am not entirely clear on how sharing poopy is so admirable. But people are tired of being bullied by their sheer numbers. Now we have to bow down and center our culture around the 1 in 1500 transgenders. So some poor little tranny doesn’t have to feel any confusion about where to go wee wee. They are the next progressive frontier. We will soon be working (paying tax) to fund their boob jobs, vocal chord alterations, nut tucks etc. and all the inevitable reversals too. On the working man. Buh bye. I am not paying for this nonsense and I am already gone. The small mindedness of our college campuses is apocalyptic.

  2. I was recently at a training on the campus where I work, the head of our “Cross Cultural Center”, AKA Libtard Indoctrination, complained that LGBLTWXYZ victims of sexual assault are afraid to report because they fear the investigator will be “homophobic or racist”.

    After the training while other staff members were looking at a new “Mommy’s” room for nursing and changing, she complained about the lack of a “gender-neutral” bathroom.

    How long before we do away with public restrooms entirely and replace them with open troughs?

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