Parents of USC Student Slain by Illegal Alien Were Delayed Entry by U.S. State Department – IOTW Report

Parents of USC Student Slain by Illegal Alien Were Delayed Entry by U.S. State Department

Truth Revolt

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One of the four teens charged Tuesday with murder in the beating of University of Southern California grad student Xinran Ji was an illegal immigrant, a fact that has only increased the frustration for many—including the L.A. County Supervisor—with the U.S. State Department’s delaying of visas for the slain student’s parents.

“It is unconscionable that suspect Jonathan Del-Carmen-Refugio, arrested for the murder of USC graduate student Xinran Ji, entered the country illegally — yet the victim’s parents were delayed in entering the country legally to claim their son’s body due to failures in the State Department’s visa process,” said Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

The four defendants are 17-year-old Alberto Ochoa, 16-year-old Alejandra Guerrero, 18-year-old Andrew Garcia and 19-year-old Jonathan Del Carmen. The oldest, Del Carmen, was in the country illegally. Though two of them are juveniles, they have been charged as adults. Three of the defendents—Garcia, Ochoa and Guerrero—face a special allegation for the use of a dangerous weapons, a bat and a wrench.

Xinran Ji, 24, was attacked early Thursday while walking back to his off-campus apartment after a study session. Ji was an engineering student who had won a scholarship for his research and innovative work in one of China’s leading universities. After coming to America on a tour several years ago, Ji decided that he wanted to take his studies further at USC, enrolling in 2013.



12 Comments on Parents of USC Student Slain by Illegal Alien Were Delayed Entry by U.S. State Department

  1. If Obama thinks all those Mexikids will become registered DemocRATs, the same logic would dictate that all Chinese stuck in Mr. Xinran’s parents’ position will become conservatives (not necessarily Republicans.)

  2. “If Obama thinks all those Mexikids will become registered DemocRATs, the same logic would dictate that all Chinese stuck in Mr. Xinran’s parents’ position will become conservatives (not necessarily Republicans.)”


    If the names of all these illegals are being entered into The System…

    …if the statists among us have the absolute control over voting systems in key areas (as has been largely accepted as true)…

    …and if the statists in government will never investigate suspicion of liberal vote fraud…

    …do the illegals even need to register Democrat or even go to the polls, in order for Democrats to record their votes? Remember…dead people vote Democrat all the time.

  3. The State Department has been running it’s own show since the thirties. If it doesn’t like a President or his polies they will actively work to sabotage him or it. The same goes for an appointed Secretary of State they don’t like. It’s filled with Ivy League leftists who formed the old boys (and lately girls have been allowed in the clubhouse) network that insures their agenda goes forward.

    If a President wants to form his own foreign policy the first thing he has to do is appoint a Secretary whose express purpose is to fire most of the higher echelon at State and replace them as best he can with the best and most honest) he can. The president should also make it public why he is taking such action.

  4. Easy to explain:
    Illegals are ILLEGAL, (NOT legal), which the antichrist Obama seems to prefer. Illegals are mostly takers from the system (AKA welfare, EBT, ect). Illegals and amnesty granted former Illegals are more likely to vote for the Jackass Party. Therefore, ILlegals are given special consideration above every one else.
    LEGAL Aliens who follow the law to get into this country, are the one who will be producers, and have something to offer to this country. They are NOT politically reliable enough to vote as a block for the Jackass party, thus, they are expedable. They could be guilty of the thought crime of holdling traditional American values.

  5. If his parents come here complaining when they pick up his body, obama will just put a target on their backs and escort them out in a split second. Too bad he doesn’t kick out MS13 when they come in illegally.

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