10 hours before planes hit WTC on 9/11 – Bill Clinton admits he could have killed Bin Laden – IOTW Report

10 hours before planes hit WTC on 9/11 – Bill Clinton admits he could have killed Bin Laden



Bill Clinton actually joked 10 hours before the planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 that he could have killed Osama Bin Laden. He also bragged about what a smart guy Bin laden was. Remember, this is just 10 hours before the planes hit the WTC. Bill Clinton, like a typical progressive liberal bleeding heart Democrat said he passed on killing Bin Laden because he worried about ‘civilian causalities’ in Kandahar Afghanistan. Clinton then actually said that if he killed any of these Afghanistan civilians, then he’d be no better than Osama.

10 hours before planes hit WTC on 9/11 - Bill Clinton admits he could have killed Bin Laden Video



12 Comments on 10 hours before planes hit WTC on 9/11 – Bill Clinton admits he could have killed Bin Laden

  1. Ask him today if he regrets trading 300 Afghani’s for 3000 Americans*, and I’m sure he would say no. I guarantee it.

    *this was just the start. It gave us the DHS, the TSA, the PATRIOT Act, numerous heightened regulations and new or beefed up agencies, expanded surveillance, and much much more.

    Yeah Slick, great call – fuckstick!

  2. That’s as bad as if he had said,
    “well, I figured Americans would never value our peace and security if we didn’t have something to compare it to.”

    Any TRUE opposition political Party would nail the Dems to the wall with this.

  3. The arrogance of the man is breathtaking. This man was responsible for erecting a Chinese wall between foreign and domestic intelligence agencies that was responsible for the failure of a piece of foreign intelligence that would have allowed American authorities to put together the 9/11 plot before it was executed into the hands of the FBI. Now he almost proudly says he had a chance to do Bin Laden and chose not to. Imagine for a moment if he had pulled the trigger and the news made headlines before the ill-fated flights. There would have been a chance, however small, of some or all the hijackers calling off the mission and going home. This self catered, egotistical, sexual predator really belongs in jail along with his equally reprehensible wife.

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