“Big Obama supporters. ” POT heads claim responsibility for Brooklyn Bridge flag swap – IOTW Report

“Big Obama supporters. ” POT heads claim responsibility for Brooklyn Bridge flag swap


A marijuana activist said he and his group are responsible for swapping two American flags atop the Brooklyn Bridge for two white ones — an act that has baffled New York police for more than a week.

“The Reverend Bud Green,” 49, claimed responsibility for the July 22 swap in his blog. He told the New York Daily News on Thursday that the prank was actually the first part of a two-part strategy, with another set of flags going up later. Increased NYPD surveillance on the bridge foiled that plan, his post said.

“It was interesting that nobody knew what to make of it,” Mr. Green told the Daily News. “It was interesting that people took it as a terror risk. We believe in nonviolent civil disobedience.”

Mr. Green said he is the founder of the POT Party — People Opposing Tyranny — or the New Pot Party, which is pro-marijuana and anti-government.

In his blog post admitting responsibility, Mr. Green wrote: “Please smoke the Peace Pipe with the holy herb and rebel against the military industrial complex and the evil one percent. That is the meaning of why we put up the bleached American Flags. Remember to recite the new Pledge of No Allegiance. Please repeat after me, I Pledge no Allegiance to the United Corporations of America, and to the right wing dictatorship for which it stands, one nation, under the devil, with liberty and justice for only the rich pigs who can afford it. Put that it in your pipe and smoke it Fox News.”

Mr. Green told the Daily News that the people who took part in the flag swap are “big Obama supporters ” who are disappointed in the president for feeding “the military-industrial complex.”



10 Comments on “Big Obama supporters. ” POT heads claim responsibility for Brooklyn Bridge flag swap

  1. I think I would take this baked-brain bedbug’s ‘confession’ with a grain of hash.
    Yesterday he probably identified himself as the ambassador from Neptune.

  2. bud green? mmmmmkay. Very subtle.

    You know, a conspiracy theorist would say putting white flags up like that was a “signal” of some sort and to watch out for a “false flag” attack in the near future.

  3. What an idiot – Oblowme’s useful idiot – doesn’t have a clue what an oligarchy is, and how tied at the hip Obumphuk and the democrat party are to GE and every other major corporation that they (rightfully) rail about.

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