Chicken pox outbreak puts illegal immigrant facility on lockdown – IOTW Report

Chicken pox outbreak puts illegal immigrant facility on lockdown

Wa Times

The federal government’s new facility to house illegal immigrant families surging across the border has been put on lockdown because of chicken pox, with no immigrants allowed to be transferred in or out, a congressman said this week.

Hundreds of illegal immigrants being kept at the campus of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, are being treated for and vaccinated against chicken pox after an outbreak, said Rep. Steve Pearce, the Republican congressman whose district includes Artesia.

“As the FLETC facility reaches maximum capacity, I am increasingly concerned for the health and safety of the women and children at FLETC and for the local community. The virus, that has caused two residents to be put in isolation, has halted all departures,” Mr. Pearce said.

He said he’s asked the Homeland Security Department, which runs the facility, to be available to handle calls from the community.



12 Comments on Chicken pox outbreak puts illegal immigrant facility on lockdown

  1. Well hey, Let’s get some chicken pox down to Texas and Arizona and see if they’ll put the border on lockdown… no one in or out!!! Yeah, I realize what I said, BUTT, we all know Bronco Bomber has exactly ZERO intention of actually ever deporting any of those newly acquired Democrat voters and OFA/La ROJA activistas. It certainly wouldn’t shock me to hear that the radio and tv ads that WE paid for, promise amnesty and govt assistance in exchange for a couple of votes and a promise to knock on some doors in the “White-Latino” Barrios they get shipped and relocated to.

  2. School is going to start here in about 3 weeks. I’m sure glad I don’t have any children in school. If I did, I’d be raising hell if they showed up at my kids school.

  3. School is going to start here in about 3 weeks. I’m sure glad I don’t have any children in school. If I did, I’d be raising hell if they showed up at my kids school..

    Well, they’re going to be starting at SOMEBODY’s school soon. The next thing you’re going to hear from the proggies is “How heartless and cruel you are to de-PRIVE these CHILLLL-dren of an ed-u-KAY-shun!”

    @Anonymous: That could be a possibility since he does rub his nose a lot. He’s a good candidate to become hot himself.

    If he does catch something, I hope it’s excruciatingly painful and embarrassing. Incurable and fatal would be nice. Leprosy would do in a pinch.

    You gettin’ all this NSA??

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