TB And Scabies Spreading In Illegal Immigrant Holding Facilities – IOTW Report

TB And Scabies Spreading In Illegal Immigrant Holding Facilities

Daily Caller

The Department of Homeland Security’s report on the facilities housing the recent flood of “unaccompanied alien children” (UAC) from Central America describes conditions where diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and scabies are spreading, and staff are being exposed to human waste.

The report lists off the types of diseases that are becoming prevalent in the facilities and that are requiring treatment. They include “respiratory illnesses, chicken pox, tuberculosis, and scabies.” These diseases have also spread to several DHS employees working at the locations, the report states

The report also includes notes that these facilities are now in unsanitary condition due to “UAC and family unit illnesses and unfamiliarity with bathroom facilities” and these conditions have resulted in staff members and migrants being exposed to human waste


5 Comments on TB And Scabies Spreading In Illegal Immigrant Holding Facilities

  1. “…These diseases have also spread to several DHS employees working at the locations, the report states…”

    But mere collateral damage in Obumphuk’s war on America.

  2. Just in time for the new school year! If you have kids, keep you eye on them. I’m guessing scabies will be nationwide in the schools by the beginning of 2015.

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