Brrr! We’ll need to burn that ‘Hockey Stick’ for warmth – IOTW Report

Brrr! We’ll need to burn that ‘Hockey Stick’ for warmth

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July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Lake Michigan Upwelling

So far in 2014, record low temperatures outpace record highs nearly 2-1 in the USA


12 Comments on Brrr! We’ll need to burn that ‘Hockey Stick’ for warmth

  1. It would be nice if we could get some of that cooler weather up here in the Northwest, we’ve been in the 90’s since just after the 4th of July. It’s great for growing vegetables and all our other crops this year so I’m thankful for that. I probably shouldn’t complain since it’s Aug. 1 and winter is only 3-4 months away now. Who knows what will happen in the future?

  2. Here in Middle Tennessee, July has seen many days with 60’s at night and low 80’s for the high during the day – about 10-15 degrees cooler than the normal averages.

    Looking forward to the “puppy” days of August.

  3. @Geoff the aardvark – I’m with you. It is forecast to be 99 degrees here in the Tri-Cities for the next 5 days at least. My garden is doing great, but it is too darn hot to get out there and harvest the vegetables. I have to wait for evening or go out in the early morning. I’m hoping fall arrives early.

  4. My belief is that we are headed for the opposite of what the GW folks think. A cooling / freezing trend is coming, with much more devastation as a result than would result from warming.

    Will be interesting to watch the left adjust their rudder orders when acknowledged.

  5. Here about 2 hours north of Indy we too had a very cool July, I heard of numerous folks who would turn the heat on in their car on their drive to work.
    But news flash to any eco ” the world as we know it is ending” idiots, there have always been and will always be weather variations off the norm. Mankind has lived with it , adjusted and gone on.
    We do not need to adjust our lifestyles to change the weather, we just need to adjust to the changing weather.

  6. @Noodengr – You got that right!! Let’s see, about 2 hours north of Indy would put you in beautiful Lake County (the Region), South Bend maybe?, or Ft Wayne? I work in Indy. Everyone: DO enjoy the rest of your lovely summer!!

  7. “Weather and climate are different except when treating them as the same support our conclusions stoooooooopiiiiid!!!!… (drool).”

    -Every AGW Progtard Jackass on the planet.

  8. NY metro area feels cooler than usual. So far very few of trademark NYC summer days where heat and humidity are both in the 90s. Maybe coolness is leftover from harsh winter?

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