Young Men in Delhi Are Paid To Dress As Langurs To Scare Away Other Monkeys – IOTW Report

Young Men in Delhi Are Paid To Dress As Langurs To Scare Away Other Monkeys

NTDWA – About 40 trained youths have been pressed into service, disguised as langurs and screeching and grunting loudly, to scare away monkeys from Delhi’s corridors of power. The men are summoned by the New Delhi Municipal Council to spots, including the Parliament House, that come under siege from monkeys. The ‘langurs’ suddenly appear from behind bushes and trees to drive away the simians through sounds and gestures.

Until last year, Delhi’s streets were patrolled by actual langurs. But because of change in law in November 2012 this practice ended. “These young men have trained themselves to pose as langurs. We have no option but to hire them because, as per law, even an officer who calls for langur and its master to drive away monkeys can be booked and jailed,” said a senior official.

[The] NDMC was also considering issuing extra taxes to those who keep bananas and other fruits on the roadside for monkeys to feed on.


23 Comments on Young Men in Delhi Are Paid To Dress As Langurs To Scare Away Other Monkeys

  1. “About 40 trained youths have been pressed into service, disguised as langurs and screeching and grunting loudly, to scare away monkeys from Delhi’s corridors of power.”

    Can they bring a few to the White House?

    Yeeeaaaaaah… I went there.

  2. I am considering a trip to Delhi next Feb, will be fun to get a selfie with one of these.

    Hey it is better to hire these guys to do something rather than sit on their asses and collect welfare like so many do here.

  3. During the Cholera epidemics of the mid to late 19th century in England, Parliament did pretty much nothing. Until the raw sewage in the Thames was passing by the government buildings fronting the Thames and the stench was overpowering. So they erected “medicated window blinds” which just meant you couldn’t see the shit floating by any longer and the smell didn’t permeate more than about ten feet past the blinds. Because when I think of raw sewage in a river, I think medicated window blinds for buildings.

    If these monkeys were NOT at the government buildings, you can bet NO action would be taken.

  4. What is the Whitehouse trying to scare away with that Sasquatch thing that dresses funny and hangs out with on occasion with Prezzy Cooldude Momjeans and the two kids

  5. Oh yeah. The collective noun game!

    A congress of baboons.
    A target of muzloids.
    A murder of bros.
    A bury of (jungle)bunnies.

    (Had a little “staredown” at Wal-Mart this AM so am feeling a little racist.)

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