Parents of Daughter Who Overdosed on Drugs is Asking Public To Pay Her Debts – IOTW Report

Parents of Daughter Who Overdosed on Drugs is Asking Public To Pay Her Debts

I saw this story a few days ago but decided to pass on it because I didn’t want to be perceived as a heartless pr!ck.

Well, I am a heartless prick. So here’s the story.

Some pastor is trying to crowd-fund his way out of a 100k nursing school loan he co-signed for his now deceased 27 year-old daughter.

The Daily Mail article keeps saying the daughter “suddenly died” of “liver failure.”

An internet search shows she died of a drug overdose after a long history of drug abuse, and the parents sued the doctor who prescribed her the drugs.

Sudden: Lisa Mason passed away while she was studying to be a nurse after taking out a $100,000 student loan

The family is also pulling the ol  “do it for the cheeldren” card, saying it’s difficult to raise the 3 grandkids.

Where is the father of the 3 children? Or fathers?

The pastor makes 75k a year and they say the wife makes a little less “at the same church.”  So together they’re making well over 100k a year… at a church… but can’t make the payments. The loan was originally 100k, but now it’s 200k because the co-signer never paid the bank back one red cent.

Does the guy know what co-signing a loan means? I feel bad for him, it’s a big nut. But it’s his nut.

What do you guys think?


53 Comments on Parents of Daughter Who Overdosed on Drugs is Asking Public To Pay Her Debts

  1. “Does the guy know what co-signing a loan means?”

    Exactly this! Buddy, you signed for it, you own it!

    If he had any conviction or knowledge of Christianity, he would take responsibility for his actions and pay the loan.

  2. I like it! I’m gonna follow his lead…

    Dear IOTW readers, In June I went out drinking with my buddies. We rode our bikes to save the 7 bucks the local cab costs. On the way home, I wrecked my bike. That crash caused 14 fractures of various bones. Not only was I in ICU for 10 days, but I’ll be out of work for at least 12 weeks waiting for the bones to heal. It looks this will end up costing about $75K, so send me money.

    Thanks, Menderman

    PS: I just got the Molon Labe Cigar box I bought from BFH in the mail and it is awesome! I’d better get that check in the mail soon…

  3. “after a long history of drug abuse”

    too hot of a girl to kill herself that way.

    Do you think she was tied up with some druggie minority boyfriend that lead her astray?

  4. Sad case. I’m neither a father nor a minister so I’ll just mind my own business here except to say that father apparently felt he failed his daughter in some way and tried to make up for it.
    But she’s past saving so things are different now.

  5. Do the math:
    “Lisa tragically died last year of liver failure at the age of 27.

    Lisa [sic] children, which Mr and Mrs Mason are now caring for, are age nine, 12 and 14.”

    So last year her oldest was 13. 27 – 13 = 14.

    The pastor’s daughter had her first child at fourteen years of age. (The next at age 16).

    This family obviously has issues.

  6. What manner of imbecile co-signs a loan with a drug addict?

    Daughter or not, cute or not.

    He’s an imbecile and an enabler – you NEVER give money to an addict – feed em, clothe em – BUT NEVER give em money.

  7. I noticed a lot of tele-evangelist testify to be a doped up musician that finally found the Lord in a broke down motel room.
    My take is that they saw Oral Roberts on TV and thought “What the hell am I doing playing in honky tonks when I can make a killing like Oral.”
    This guy is one of those type of pastors.

  8. Menderman, if you need some bucks you can put that fancy cigar box up for auction. I missed it the first time around, otherwise it would me crowing about it.

    I think the deadbeat pastor should be ashamed and humiliated for himself. He owes the money and every honest tax paying citizen an apology.

  9. “Lisa tragically died last year of liver failure at the age of 27.
    Lisa children, which Mr and Mrs Mason are now caring for, are age nine, 12 and 14.”

    Do the math. She had her first kid at the age of 14 for God’s sake and the second one at 16.

    Dear ol’ Dad was obviously naive and foolish to cosign for north of $100K, a goodly portion of which she used to fund her drug habit with.

    And where it the father of the kids? Hmmmmm……. I wouldn’t give thet greedy old bastard a wooden nickel when he got a large sum in a settlement and did not use it to pay down this debt.

    My guess is that Dear ol’ Dad was a big influence on her, a big negative influence.

  10. I’m not big on hopping from church to church for who ever you are, but that being said if you go to this guys church, leave, or you will get what you have been part of.
    Part of being a pastor is not being a train wreck.

  11. One look at the Mom and Dad, and “Super Fun Rock Band Church” comes to mind.

    $100K for nursing school is MIGHTY pricey. I think JD got it right – a little extra loan funds each semester for the habit.

    PK’s are notorious for being hell on wheels, but yeah, this family had issues.

  12. I went looking for a bit more info and here is that rhaspy old phony indian crunt Elizibeth Warren using this case in a two minute video.

    Grieving parents drowning in $200,000 student loan debt receive relief

  13. 1. I bet she didn’t look this good before she died.
    2. I could pay off at $2K month, did it for the last 8 years with my mortgage. We only made $80K/yr between us.
    3. There’s probably more than one sex partner of hers they could put the arm twist on to pay.
    4. Too bad the private lenders didn’t check the borrowers personal history before giving out $100K.

  14. If he were asking the government to forgive the loan or asking for some sort of non-voluntary support from the public I’d say screw him. However, he isn’t. He’s asking for money from a pile of rubes who’ll voluntarily pony up some dough for this so I say let him. If people are stupid enough to fork over hard earned money then it’s their business and not ours.

  15. Fur – whenever I try to post a link on this site it just won’t post anything. I tried again with this one, but got nothing so I decided to give enough info for others to find it. If you have any suggestions let me know please.

  16. “An internet search shows she died of a drug overdose after a long history of drug abuse, and the parents sued the doctor who prescribed her the drugs.” — BFH

    They enabled her bad behavior all those years, and now they’re blaming somebody else? Let them pay for their…and her mistakes. I wouldn’t give them a dime.

  17. Doesn’t quite pass the smell test, even though 1st off math means she was 19 when she had her first. And where the hell is the father of any one of theses children?

    The lawsuit filed by the Mason family details the 30 prescriptions bearing Maron’s signature that Lisa Mason filled between Sept. 8, 2009, and Dec. 18, 2009. All were filled within days of each other.

    For instance, on Oct. 19, Mason filled a prescription for 42 oxycodone tablets. One day later, she filled a prescription for another 90 oxycodone pills. Over the next seven days, she filled three more prescriptions totaling 420 oxycodone tablets.

    Her death, according to an autopsy by the Office of Medical Investigator, was attributed to liver necrosis caused by ingested and/or injected medication. The OMI also found acetaminophen toxicity. Acetaminophen is frequently combined with opiates for pain.

  18. Too bad she didn’t pay attention to the school lecture on acetaminophen liver toxicity.

    The 72 year old prescribing physician agreed to give up his license only in New Mexico, didn’t say if he was licensed in any other states…

  19. I am compelled to offer a caveat. Details are very difficult to find online (which shouldn’t be the case, except DM is half-assed standards of fact checking). I found a one source stating she passed from liver cancer. The link I posted – the photo looks close enough and the details line up – has only a couple of associated stories, and none of them are persuasive one way or the other that it was she.

  20. On the Fox news link, the dad wonders why the mortgage company doesn’t get life insurance policies for events like this because they would be soooo cheap. Uh, Dad, why didn’t you get that policy since it would be so cheap?

  21. One of the first and most prestigious RN schools in the nation happens to be in my town. People come from all over the US to attend. Final cost for four year BSN is $45,000. I call BS on this so-called BSN debt.

    BTW, I did NOT attend this school, I got mine at the local community college (Mike Rowe trade school style) and am just as employable….for $10k.

  22. A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.

    Having said that, dude is free to ask for money. If some dumbass can kickstart 40k to make a pimento cheese sandwich or some shit then this guy can crowdsource his dead daughter’s debt that he cosigned for.

    You swallow your pride if you have any. Deadbeats don’t have that problem. Neither does the guy at the interstate offramp.

    You are free to give. Or not.

  23. For instance, on Oct. 19, Mason filled a prescription for 42 oxycodone tablets. One day later, she filled a prescription for another 90 oxycodone pills. Over the next seven days, she filled three more prescriptions totaling 420 oxycodone tablets.

    Her death, according to an autopsy by the Office of Medical Investigator, was attributed to liver necrosis caused by ingested and/or injected medication. The OMI also found acetaminophen toxicity. Acetaminophen is frequently combined with opiates for pain.

    Yes, one of the reasons for which is to attempt to keep people from abusing oxycodone due to acetaminophen trashing the liver. But evidently TPTB don’t count on how badly some people want the oxycodone, liver damage or not.

  24. Boobie- I have an Associate’s Degree for my RN, not a BSN. I am just as employable, make the same wage as my BSN counterparts, and have no restrictions like an LPN would. I work as a Case Manager RN for a hospice.

    Mike Rowe is absolutely right about the trades… I’m still trying to keep the educational system from doing a tap-dance on my kids’ heads about the necessity of four (six?) year degrees.

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