Delauro Wants a National Sweet Tax – IOTW Report

Delauro Wants a National Sweet Tax

She wants to raise revenue by taxing drinks with sugar.

Free Beacon-

DeLauro introduced the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax Act, also known as the “SWEET Act,” on Wednesday, which would impose a 1 cent excise tax per teaspoon of caloric sweetener in soda, energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweet teas.

“This act is intended to discourage excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by increasing the price of these products,” according to the text of the legislation.


42 Comments on Delauro Wants a National Sweet Tax

  1. Sugar is already the most subsidized commodity on Earth, so if the filthy crunt want to raise the price of sugar-sweetened drinks – just eliminate the sugar subsidy.

    She is a foul, disingenuous, disgusting, thieving, corrupt piece of shit.

  2. To all the young females out there:

    Kids, don’t do liberalism. It rots you from the inside and turns your outside ugly. Don’t take my word for it. Look at Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg, Joyless Bahar, Rosa Callas, Whoopie, Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz. etc. etc.
    Don’t do it!

  3. may I also say, that pic looks like it was snapped b4 she put her dentures in… is not the governments place to tell me what is or isn’t good for me PERIOD. do you job you meddling sacK of boney shit & PROTECT OUR BORDERS PERIOD.

  4. I wonder also if it would cover high fructose corn syrup.
    You know- the sweetener made from GMO corn.
    You know- the GMO corn of Monsanto production.
    The same Monsanto that her husband worked for and now represents.
    The same Monsanto that has filled their corrupt pockets, and now bossy Michael Obama wants to partner with for school lunch programs.
    Oh- and she is pretty peculiar looking. I’d call her in if I saw her around here, but I don’t know what descriptive pronoun I would use.

  5. My God! Is there a Democrat who is anywhere near under 100 years old? Somebody should research that and compare the average age of each party. I bet the Demoncrats average out older by say 15 years easily.

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