This Seems Counterintuitive – Hot Peppers Can Ward Off Bowel cancer – IOTW Report

This Seems Counterintuitive – Hot Peppers Can Ward Off Bowel cancer

Hot curries ‘could stop you getting bowel cancer’: Chemical compound which gives chilli their spice used in mice study

17 Comments on This Seems Counterintuitive – Hot Peppers Can Ward Off Bowel cancer

  1. People from the Indo-Pak area, who eat some of the spiciest foods around, have very low rates of all types of digestive cancers.

    On a personal note, I can say that both my parents favored extremely bland foods. Both had colon cancer, and my father died from it.

  2. Do you eat em or shove em up yer ass?

    What’s the incidence of mouse colon cancer, anyway, and why are we wasting money trying to cure them?

    I realize that mice are more productive members of society than lawyers, community organizers, or Demonrats, but really …

    Peppers aren’t controlled substances, so you shouldn’t have to do mice trials prior to human testing. And if they have to be shoved up the ass, just hire faggots for testing.

  3. I actually know a person who was told he had colon polyps that needed to be removed (surgically) and he never did a follow up on that colonoscopy for nearly 20 years. Then had another and was told he had no polyps. The new doctor asked what happened, who removed them and the patients said he did with CAYENNE PEPPER! Not just in food, but taking high potency capsules daily.

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