Israel “Not Sharing” Iron Dome with Hamas?!?!?! – IOTW Report

Israel “Not Sharing” Iron Dome with Hamas?!?!?!

From Bullpen by MaryfromMarin


“Among the UN’s long bill of particulars against the beleaguered Jewish state comes the almost unbelievable accusation that Israel’s refusal to share its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense shield with the ‘governing authority’ of Gaza – i.e. Hamas, the terror group created to pursue the extermination of the Jewish state and now waging a terrorist war against it – constitutes a war crime against the civilians of Gaza.


Continue reading it here

I found this from a comment by F*ck Hamas on this thread:

Hamas under Metal Dome

From World News Bureau


14 Comments on Israel “Not Sharing” Iron Dome with Hamas?!?!?!

  1. FU, Hamas.

    Maybe if you’d spent the billions sent your way on educating your population (perhaps a waste, considering which end of the bell curve inbred muslims fall), you could have developed your own defense.

    But no. You build spider hole tunnels to inflict mayhem and murder. You offer cash incentives to people’s families to get them to suicide in the name of some 7th century throwback.

    Militarized whiners, brought to you by Griffins Int’l/UN. You really think what you’re doing is a winning strategy? Let’s see about that.

  2. Can’t we just stop the hatin’? I’m setting the example by voluntarily not using our “star wars” defensive tech, and getting rid of our strategic nuke stock pile. I’m ALL ABOUT wiping out American power and defensive pre-eminence… I’m sure the rest of the world will respect that and we’ll see world peace break out!
    I just wish I hadn’t sold those A-10s to those evil Jews…

  3. It’s really not worth paying attention to the insanity anymore. Let me know when the ChiCom-Russian Axis soldiers invade so I can recycle the hideous leftists who made it possible.

  4. Ya’ wanna’ know something else? If the fucking UN were suggesting that all freebooters worldwide be outfitted at taxpayers expense (don’t get any grandiose ideas Democrats) with a bullet proof vest I would have a problem with that too. These people are not playing with a full deck.

    I know I am a hater and a racist by opposing these “common sense” measures (if it saves just one life…), but I’m kinda funny that way.

  5. If the Republicans in the House need a reason to introduce a bill to defund the UN Monday – this is evidence enough. They have lost their marbles. The bastards would have voted to give Tojo the nuclear bomb …just to make it fair. This defies any attempt at claiming sanity.

    They are progressives and that means they are heirs to National Socialism’s legacy. That is what this is all about.

    Hitler and National Socialism would never have rose to power and consolidated it’s grip on Germany without support from American and European “progressives.” This is evidence that antisemitism is the still the motivating force behind the “progressive” movement.

    we fund that shithole UN with our tax dollars and I resent that with every bone in my body. Defund it and it withers on the vine. Do it Monday.

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