Emily Gets Her Gun – IOTW Report

Emily Gets Her Gun

It only took her 4 months and 17 different steps before she was able to legally own a gun in her own home in D.C. but Emily Miller managed it.

See her speak on the pitfalls of gun control in America at the Eagle Forum here

(go to the 6:00 minute mark if you want to skip over her story of why she wanted a gun in D.C. in the first place.  If you’ve ever lived in D.C. you already know why.)




8 Comments on Emily Gets Her Gun

  1. I’m glad to see Emily got her gun. My niece lives and works in DC and just recently also got a gun. The stories she tells of living in DC would curl your hair. I wanted her just to leave but she has a great career there.

  2. I’ve had to visit DC a few times on business and took the opportunity to add a few days on each trip to visit the city. The museums are top notch and the monuments are stunning. Having said that you really need to watch where are at all times. You can walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and two blocks past the Whitehouse is rundown, gang territory. The quickest lesson I learned was on my first trip I was out walking at midnight near my hotel and walked to a McDonalds for a midnight snack. I ordered at the counter and was waiting when a young (maybe 18 or so) black kid came in to order. He leaned on the counter and his t-shirt rode up and the kid had a pistol stuck in his pants. The kid ordered, saw me and nodded hello. I nodded back and took my order to go. Anyway, I was a lot more careful in the future. I’d visit again though, that Smithsonian complex is incredible.

  3. That reminds me: I need to prevent a fellow artist from transporting either into or through DC the shell casing based work I loaned her.

    Why are Progressives such complete asshats?

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