The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix – IOTW Report

The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix

ht/ FDR in Hell

13 Comments on The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix

  1. @Meerkat – well, guess who didn’t watch this video? Me. I just assumed it was the original.

    @DocTar – the “show” that Dana McClendon was giving his routine on was Tactical Response, which I’m sure you know is pro-gun rights site .

    McClendon is a criminal defense attorney, an Alderman of the City of Franklin and a big time gun rights advocate. So that’s why he was carrying his weapon.

    Here is an article about him and this video.

  2. My first marriage was to a Coonass girl. (Louisiana French) They are “off-the-chart” crazy and I was too young to know what I was getting myself into. The only real regret in my life is not running like a scalded ape from her when I had the chance. I don’t know how I survived the 20 lifetimes worth of hell I went through with her, but I did and now life is pretty good. They should teach this matrix in junior high school.

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