Obama Letting Another American Rot in Foreign Prison – IOTW Report

Obama Letting Another American Rot in Foreign Prison

American sentenced to 15 years for setting up Internet in Cuba ‘has withdrawn’ and warned he is contemplating taking his own life

  • Alan Gross, 65, was arrested in Cuba in 2009 while working covertly in the Communist-run country to set up Internet access
  • His attorney, Scott Gilbert, said in a statement Monday that his client ‘has withdrawn’ and told him ‘life in prison is not a life worth living’
  • Gross said goodbye to his wife and youngest daughter during a recent visit
  • His hips are failing and he has lost most of the vision in his right eye
  • At the time Gross was arrested he was working as a subcontractor for the U.S. government’s U.S. Agency for International Development, which promotes democracy on the island
  • Cuba considers USAID’s programs illegal attempts by the U.S. to undermine its government, and Gross was tried and sentenced to 15 years in prison

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2 Comments on Obama Letting Another American Rot in Foreign Prison

  1. Sounds like he’s accepted his fate-he knows fucking Obama et.al could give a fuck-probably a pretty prevalent feeling among those who hang their asses out for this country.

    He’s a GD cancer on this country and a pox(look it up) on those that REELECTED!!! him-fucking assholes.

    Let’s just get to TSHTF.

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