Guess Who’s Driving UN Vehicles? – IOTW Report

Guess Who’s Driving UN Vehicles?

Doug Ross

YOUR UNITED NATIONS IN ACTION: Photo of ISIS Driving UN Vehicle (Paid For With Your Tax Dollars)

How many countries in the world respect the rights of the individual, reject authoritarianism, and enjoy a civil society?

To be fair, that’s a trick question. No country does, though a few come close. Perhaps Canada, Israel, and the U.S. for starters (though in the latter case, said attributes appear to be eroding on a daily basis).
So why would any rational American support an elite group of 100+ barbaric, tyrannical regimes? That’s a rhetorical question, because we already do — not by the consent of the governed, mind you — and it’s called “The United Nations” (or “U.N.”). And the UN, by dint of numbers, supports Islamists, terrorists and other anti-civilization throwbacks.

Did you know the United Nations runs a car rental office just for bloodthirsty terrorist pig-dogs?



8 Comments on Guess Who’s Driving UN Vehicles?

  1. The UN is a pestilence with absolutely NO redeeming values to America. Has been since the 1960’s. Maybe earlier, but I was born in 1959 and that is as far back as I can remember.

  2. To kick the U.N. out of the U.S. and deprive it of all U.S. financial support would be a symbolic act of great proportion and moment to the next Conservative, American president. It would certainly happen in the Republic of Bill.

  3. It’s just the beginning. Barky can’t wait to start “talks” with the “ISIS folks”. ISIS will be sitting on the UN Human Rights Council within two years, and they’ll be driving UN vehicles around NYC with full diplomatic immunity.

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