Celeb Gets Attacked After Saying Celebs Can Keep Their Nude Photos From Being Hacked If They Don’t Have Their Nude Photos On Their Computers – IOTW Report

Celeb Gets Attacked After Saying Celebs Can Keep Their Nude Photos From Being Hacked If They Don’t Have Their Nude Photos On Their Computers

I have an exit question after we take a look at this small story.


Ricky Gervais was pig-piled on Twitter after giving his friendly advice – that celebs shouldn’t keep nude photos on their computers if they don’t want them stolen.

Here are some typical responses-

Via Twitchy-

@rickygervais how about stop attacking victims and instead direct your attitude toward the hackers who broke the law & invaded their privacy

14 Comments on Celeb Gets Attacked After Saying Celebs Can Keep Their Nude Photos From Being Hacked If They Don’t Have Their Nude Photos On Their Computers

  1. “…direct your attitude toward the hackers who broke the law & invaded their privacy…”

    I bet this daybed flouncer thinks Edward Snowden is a hero. Or more likely, she would if she had a clue who Edward Snowden is.

  2. You take photographs so that people can see and enjoy them. That is the point.

    You don’t spread your cheeks in front of a lens unless you want a picture of that.

    Unless you’re some sick narcissist, you take the pictures for someone other than yourself, since you can squat over a mirror anytime you please.

  3. Once you reach the age of 18 you are a sovereign individual. That means you have rights AND responsibilities. If you don’t want someone to trample over your rights you have the responsibility to not make it easy for them.

  4. When I was a young woman, although I had a nice body, I was always afraid my Dad would end up seeing anything like nude photos, and that was enough to keep me in line. He wouldn’t have done anything, he just wouldn’t have been pleased, and I didn’t want to hurt him. I guess people don’t have shame like that anymore. Too bad. Shame comes in handy sometimes.

  5. I put mine on the cloud once, It immediately rained. Two days later I received 10 free samsung phones in the mail. Later on
    I found out I was being sued by some hacker. I’m here all week folks.

  6. If you don’t want your nude pics to get away from you, DON’T PUT THEM ON THE “CLOUD.”

    Western Digital is making $$ hand over fist with its “MyCloud” 2Tb, 3Tb, & 4Tb outboard hard drives.

  7. This is Hollywood, the land where no publicity is bad publicity.

    Can you imagine how many losers searched for these photos? (if they even exist at all !)

    another day, another…. …Squirrel !

  8. Thanks, Jethro! It’s good to be back! My health is still iffy and I just had a big scare with it, but I am definitely feeling better than I did a few days ago, and, more importantly, I finally have a computer again so I can surf the interwebz, blog, and comment at my fave places without having to squint and fight with my phone!
    I promised whoever still reads my blog that if I got a new computer I would up atleast 1 new post every single day regardless of what else was going on with me, and I have offered to research and write stuff about things someone might want to see if they suggest it to me in my comments section.
    Here is the link to my post from yesterday which links to BFH’s post above, it includes my suggestion for what everyone SHOULD be doing to those cameras that are pointed at them from their own devices:

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