We’ll Seize Passports to Fight Jihadists – IOTW Report

We’ll Seize Passports to Fight Jihadists

Says Prime Minister David Cameron , not Obama.


Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday proposed new laws that would give police the power to seize the passports of Britons suspected of having traveled abroad to fight with terrorist groups.

Speaking to Parliament, Cameron said his government is also working on plans to block such suspected British jihadi fighters from re-entering the U.K. The power to monitor such suspects who are already in Britain would also be strengthened.
“What we need is a targeted power to exclude British nationals from the United Kingdom,” the prime minister told lawmakers in London today. “We need to address any potential gap in our armory to keep our country safe.”

The plans to widen Britain’s anti-terror laws, which are likely to be approved by parliament, are aimed at preventing attacks by Islamist militants returning from terror training in trouble spots in the Middle East.


image: mrssaid

13 Comments on We’ll Seize Passports to Fight Jihadists

  1. Cameron is a tool, too. I bet most of the passports seized will be those belonging to English Defense League types who have gone to protest against islamism on the continent.

  2. For every passport they seize, they’ll allow another 10 “Asian” immigrants in to live on the dole. Oh, you have 3 wives but married 2 more?
    Here’s a bigger subsidy, please don’t hurt us….

  3. Moe Tom, we tried poping the bastards during the Crusades, with mixed results. But what the hell, maybe we should try it again. It couldn’t be worse than what we are doing now.

  4. Passports. Well, that’s a start.
    SpokesRats for The Obama were in full force this morning lamenting the fact that ISIS, or ISIL, or whatever they want to call these illegal immigrants from Hell, just don’t respect borders. Hmmm…..illegal imigrants? That would explain inaction on part of The Obama and his willingness to let this infection spread and go on, since he’s know about it for YEARS. He said in Wisconsin he didn’t want the moon. Right. Not just the moon but the star and minaret too.

  5. @Owe, is he talking about our moon missions? Who the f**k cares what Obama wants? If he was an American, he would want it all.

    If he wasn’t talking about the moon missions, then – nevermind!

  6. Cameron has it bass ackwards: Seize the passports on their way OUT of the country so they can’t get back in.

    Obumfuk, moon missions? HE fuckin’ castrated NASA and handed it to the muzzrats!

  7. …sad to say that “Flaming” England is getting tough on Mooooslem Terrorists…no chance here in the US, with Islamic-in-chief king obamalama-akbahr
    freeeking traitor!!!

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