The Most Liberal State in America – IOTW Report

The Most Liberal State in America

The news out of Vermont is not pretty. Employers are closing their businesses, unemployment is rising, citizens are leaving, taxes keep rising and the state’s tax collections are falling short of projections.

Read the dismal story here

But on the bright side, the fall colors are peaking right now.







17 Comments on The Most Liberal State in America

  1. Thinking people and people with the ability will move away, leaving the state with an even higher concentration of people dependent on the poor policies which led to the breakdown in the first place, ensuring the same liberal leadership stays in place despite the dismal failures of its policies. So paradoxically the failure of those policies ensures their continuance.

  2. Vermont was a solid Republican state until the 1960s and still voted for the Republican presidential candidate until 1992. By then the influx of locusts from MA and NY overwhelmed the once traditional conservative inhabitants. That forced many native Vermonters to flee compounding the concentration of REgressive morons.

    Hence the current situation. Exactly what happened to my once conservative(and beautiful) Colorado.

    Now the locusts will look around and see greener pastures elsewhere and take flight. Rise, lather, repeat.

    I say build a fucking wall around Vermont and treat anyone attempting to leave as though they have ebola. Let them stew in their own juices.

  3. I live in Vermont. And I like it. There are aspects of it that I don’t care for, but mostly I like it. I am fortunate enough to be in a very rural and ‘olde’ part of the state, but I can certainly tell the influence that grows. I”ll probably stay forever, as I love it so, environmentally at least. I’m sorry for the politicians that keep getting elected from here, and I do everything I can to avoid that. And, unfortunately, the greatest export of the state seems to be our talented youth.
    Keep bashing, though, I can take it, and I’m not what you’re bashing, I just am surrounded by it.

  4. Previous poster has it right, they will get unhappy and move to Texas or one of the other “good” states and ruin them as well. Come to think of it Austin is a cancer that needs to be cured before it spreads.

  5. What bright side? The liberals will do the same thing CA has done with their petulant population…export them all over the place to plant their destruction in other locations.

  6. I wish Texas was like Vermont on one issue.

    They actually have constitutional carry there.

    That means there is NO permit required to carry a gun ANY way you wish.

    Arizona caught up with them a few years ago and dropped the requirement of needing a permit for concealed carry.

    Vermont ranked as #1 in my book until Arizona joined them. Texas is @ 42 free-est by comparison.

    Now if only Texas was as free as Vermont in this area.

    Vermont aint all bad.

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