Jihadi threatens to kill US war veteran next – IOTW Report

Jihadi threatens to kill US war veteran next

Daily Mail UK

‘His blood is on the hands of the British parliament’: Jihadi John’s chilling message as he beheads second Briton Alan Henning… and then threatens to kill US war veteran next in horrific new video

  • Video claiming to show beheading of aid worker Alan Henning posted online
  • Militant appears to be Jihadi John, and has the same thick London accent
  • David Cameron brands ISIS ‘repulsive’ saying killers will be hunted down
  • American war veteran Peter Kassig is threatened with execution next



16 Comments on Jihadi threatens to kill US war veteran next

  1. From a different article (although I believe also from Daily Mail UK): Mr Kassig enlisted in the Army in 2006 and served in the Iraq war in 2007. He then went to provide aid to Syrian war refugees and his family said that while in captivity he converted to Islam and took the name Abdul Rahman.

    So there’s that.

  2. We need a leader with nads enough to fight. Someone willing to say, Phuck world opinion, the UN, and political correctness. Unleash Israel,and let the shit hit the fan. About time we got back to being the top dog on the block

  3. Meanwhile, back at the White Hut, staffers quipped, “We can’t catch a break,” lamenting their boss’s “bad optics” on pulling out troops too soon in the M.E., beheadings and now ebola.

    Life’s rough, eh?

  4. ISIS will keep going until they have found someone from each facet of life. My question is, when will they pull someone from the LGBT crowd? Perhaps someone who’s already been through the process of changing from a man to a woman?

    To the government, it’s sad they’ve totally caved to PC. It has put our freedoms and lives at peril when it comes to the international level.

    All I say is, Molon Labe. Molon Labe.

  5. What’s the term for the Exact Opposite of the Midas’ Touch? Barry has it.
    Here’s how it needs to go:
    Bomb every city back they’re in to the Precambrian
    Weaponize bacon grease into an aerosol and crop dust 10 square miles for every American killed on our side since Bobby Kennedy.
    Make ten billion Pink Floyd flying pig balloons and distribute liberally over the landscape.

  6. Unless and until we collectively get it through our skulls that this really is the face of Mainstream Islam and start treating it like the malignant cancer it really is, the grisly murders will not stop.

    Things will get worse. Much worse.

  7. “For total victory over ISIS/ISIL there must be total war. No half measures. No kicking the bloody can down the bloody road for our children and grandchildren to deal with. Fight them now on their battlefield. Anihilate them. Make them fear for evermore the wrath of America. Our Judeo/Christion
    principles must win over these savages or else we are doomed and will live in fear for the rest of our lives, as will our children and all who come after us. Think- for years to come we will see ‘armless, legless,blind,and insane’ victims of these brutes in our sporting arenas, dance halls, shopping malls unless we take action now.
    No more political correctness and multicultural bullshit.”

    A tired old Soldier. (Not a politician)

  8. dhimmi and usefull idiot henning converted to the death cult last year !!!!!! he was a dead man walking the minute he left the uk , captured 30 minutes after crossing into Syria ,wonder if his mus-tard traveling companions sold him out ????? [ed uk

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