Imagine if Americans felt as passionate about liberty, democracy and self-determination – IOTW Report

Imagine if Americans felt as passionate about liberty, democracy and self-determination

…As these people in Hong Kong do.
Going on a week now.

11 Comments on Imagine if Americans felt as passionate about liberty, democracy and self-determination

  1. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes. When did Britain give back Hong Kong to China? It’s been longer than we have been living under Obama. Sure hope we don’t wait so long (we=the rest of the country – iOTW and like-minded patriots have been ready since before 2009).

  2. My guess…these people don’t work. I own a business 100+ employees. I work 10 hours a day 6 and sometimes 7 days a week. I don’t have time to protest. Too many people depending on me.
    That’s why the left has so many people at their rallies.

  3. England and Hong Kong got a raw deal.

    England would have been better off importing the chinks, than the ragheads.

    The HK chinks are smart and will work – the ragheads are dumb as bricks and as lazy as slugs.

  4. This was a good read. And very true. We all need to re-evaluate our current situation. It ain’t gonna get better til we do something.

    A 54 year old office worker in Oklahoma had her head ripped from her body – because instead of trumpeted alarms there was discomfort-driven silence.
    An 18-year-old student in Virginia was abducted, raped and likely killed – because instead of deafening trumpets 2009-2014 there was awkward PC silence.
    $900+ million has been spent on non-existent Unaccompanied Alien Children – because instead of trumpeted outrage cultural Marxism paralyzed the Hill.
    The DOJ requested 1.1 million pages of IRS documents to create a target list – because they held no fear of any trumpeter showing up.
    The worlds most effective -and advanced- fighting force is merely putting on a show of making little rocks out of big rocks in Syria – because the White House has trained the trumpeters not to trumpet.

    A Paradigm Shift is needed – Urgently. It cannot be provided to you, you must develop it within your own mind – and you’d better do it quick; or you will lose your capacity to trumpet !

  5. This is a great, and eye-opening situation. We do need to utilize the power of the people to ensure our laws and levels of power are being followed, and not being taken for granted as they are in the presidency today.

    Until America wakes up, they’ll be remain attached to “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”. Geez … what a bunch of time wasted on some over plastic modified, self-centered, realty TV nitwits.

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