Logic of Prepubescent Children – IOTW Report

Logic of Prepubescent Children

The Top Three Reasons Why Liberals Hate Conservatives

from Western Free Press

“Conservatives see liberals as misguided; liberals see conservatives as evil.”
—Original source unknown


Republicans hate anything that isn’t white, wealthy, and christian at least in appearance. They hate the poor, women, and minorities. They hate science and don’t believe that the global warming we clearly are experiencing is man made. They hate any government programs that help the poor and minorities, and the particularly despise immigrants, particularly the illegal kind. They love programs that line the pockets of oil companies, mining companies, and are willing to export jobs with wild abandon.[snip]

Facts are also unimportant in this perverse passion play. Like the slavering, semi-psychotic Facebook rant above, most such assaults aren’t a series of accusations backed up by facts, they are a series of character assassinations, most of which are contradicted by the facts.[snip]



Here are the three reasons (detailed in article):

Reason #1: Utopianism
You’re in their way

Reason #2: Utopianism
The WORLD is in their way

Reason #3: Preening Narcissism
They are beautiful, so you must be ugly

13 Comments on Logic of Prepubescent Children

  1. Their hate for me and other traditional Constitutional conservatives pales, and I mean FUCKING PALES next to the white hot, burning hatred I have for them.

    If we ever got to throwing down in the streets, I would be the most merciless motherfucker you’ve ever seen.

  2. Liberals could not exist without the taxes paid by people on the right.
    Liberals have a no work ethic. No work equals no welfare.
    I personally love rich people they shoulder most of the tax burden.
    Liberals hate the rich. Never understood that.

  3. “Conservatives see liberals as misguided; liberals see conservatives as evil.”

    I have heard Dennis Prager say this on several occasions. He also points out that, while we know them (the Left), they don’t know us. We tend more to know their champions, their cultural leaders, their positions, and what motivates them. Ask your liberal friends which Conservative authors they’ve read. They know of Limbaugh and Palin and FOX News, but only in caricature.

  4. Liberals prefer to stay ignorant about conservatives, just as they prefer to stay ignorant about religion. Your everyday liberal would never sit down to read Sowell or Hayek or any other conservative writer, to learn how we think. Yet I know plenty of conservatives who will Alinsky or Marx. Yet they love to go on about how “ignorant” and “uneducated” we are.

  5. liberals despise anything moral and good, champion anything carnal and wanton.

    Liberals despise authority and by definition are rebellious and traitorous.

    Liberals hate whites, especially men, and particularly the self sufficient variety.

    Liberals think constantly about sex, yet despise reproduction. This is because a newborn baby is the epitome of innocence, hope and purity – everything a liberal can’t stand.

    Another reason is because performing human reproduction is natural and traditional and something their parents did, which are all things liberals can’t bear to do.

    To Liberals life is cheap and the only value of a life is however much it can be taxed and amounts to exactly one vote, two or three if it’s an inner city black vote.

    Otherwise, life is just a burden on the liberal because liberals consider themselves the source of all that is good because their intentions are good.

    If every human on Earth lived out the ideals of liberalism to the fullest, humanity would be extinct in a matter of years as every non-productive person would be euthanized and no-one would reproduce.

  6. I’m a conservative. I don’t have any opposition in helping the poor. However, I do get angry when liberals think that “helping the poor” is to make the poor dependent upon welfare for the rest of their life.

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