Not All Evidence is Created Equal – IOTW Report

Not All Evidence is Created Equal

Mona Charen says “too many are too invested in the white-racism morality play to let facts — even videotaped facts — get in the way.”

She found it supremely ironic that Michael Brown’s mother is calling for cameras to be placed on police. What will that do for the type of person who can say, “I don’t believe a word of it. I know my son far too well; he would never [attack a cop], he would never provoke anyone to do anything to him, and he would never do anything to anybody,” while there exists videotape of her gentle giant robbing a store and roughing up the store owner?

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11 Comments on Not All Evidence is Created Equal

  1. Yes, irony is the right word. Be careful what you ask for.

    Of course, even if Wilson had a camera recording the assault on his person, the blacks (and libs) would deny the evidence.

    NO evidence is ever enough. The OVERWHELMING evidence against OJ the murderer was never going to sway the anti-crackers.

    Regardless, it appears that the Ferguson police have already added to their uniforms for CYA purposes.

  2. Facts do not really matter to the committed liberal. Would Andrea Mitchell ever live in Ferguson? Would Rachael Maddow go shopping for anything in Ferguson? Would Chris Matthews spend any of his free time with a Trayvon Martin or a Michael Brown? Nope – they pontificate in their sterile (and mostly white) studios, then go home to their gated communities. They know nothing.

    The most honest opinion on this mess I have read recently came from Charles Barkley, who accepted the grand jury decision, and then called the Ferguson rioters/looters stupid for burning parts of their own communiity. Basically, Sir Charles was doing nothing more than exercising common sense; the grand jury examined forensic evidence and listened to witness testimony before making a decision more credible than the opinion of virtually everyone else who was just guessing or molding facts to fit predetermined hypotheses. And as far as burning down one’s community and looting local stores – that is as completely idiotic as charging a police officer with a drawn weapon.

  3. Cameras on whitey would become racist, just like whitey is, so it ain’t gonna help. It is time we take the same attitude progs have towards us. They have no desire to get along with us crazy uncles, so let’s stop trying to get along with them. Their goal in life is to defeat conservatism and capitalism, so let’s reciprocate and make it our goal to defeat liberalism (communism)…it’s for their own good….and ours.

  4. @Menderman, you’re adding to the argument that one country won’t fit our two very different halves any longer. IOW, it is not possible to ‘coexist’ with these delusional misanthropes.

    Our side can definitely function QUITE WELL without their side.

    After we split, THEN we build the unscalable fence; to keep them OUT.

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