Greenies Being Meanies – IOTW Report

Greenies Being Meanies

Martha Boneta’s family purchased a 64-acre farm in rural Virginia so she can live out her dream of sustainable farming on a local level. But the land came with an easement that allowed the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC, a conservation group) oversight over how the buildings on the property were used in order to preserve the original farm. The PEC became rather intrusive towards Martha and her farm.   Then they became abusive in what looks like a coordinated harassment campaign with the local zoning authority and the IRS.

In her eight year legal fight with the PEC, Boneta has exposed the abuse of office and lent her name to a new law (The Boneta Bill) that lets farmers in Virginia conduct what ever business they want on their property.


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16 Comments on Greenies Being Meanies

  1. It used to be the only Marxist counties were Arlington and Alexandriav(Northern Virginia…think: commute to DC jobs).

    Look at a map of the county.
    It’s like a wider ripple of a stone’s throw in a lake.


  2. I’m looking forward to the day when some of these IRS agents get fitted for orange jumpsuits and then spend 10-20 years (or more) in jail. The EPA and these environmental groups are in the same boat. This country is in need of a revolution, unarmed is my preference but it might be too late for that.

  3. This case is unreal. The easement was being filed in the courthouse as Boneta was signing the purchase agreement, and the law is such that she can’t do a blessed thing about it.

    The Piedmont Environmental Council is comprised of filthy-rich anarchists (including the ex-wife of BET founder Robert Johnson). The county supervisory board is Repubican and acts like thugs.

    I haven’t read the above article, but I’ve heard Ms. Boneta speak to liberty groups and it’s like living with the threat of storm troopers descending on your personal space at any time. They have terrorized this woman and her family, and that’s no exaggeration. The number of people hoping the PEC gets their comeuppance is staggering. Hopefully, karma will comply.

  4. If they tried to pull that crap on an Arkansas farmer, they would leave with an ass full of buckshot. We don’t need the fck’n government telling us when we can or can’t wipe our ass. They have over-stepped the authority we have given them and it is up to us to remove them by any means necessary. They have proven that they cannot be trusted.

  5. I have no sympathy for her….she should not have bought land with a conservation easement on it.

    she even says she didn’t know what it was when they bought the land.

    go pound sand, lady.

  6. @Sleeping Giant read the materials posted for a more in depth understanding of just what Ms. Boneta has been subjected too. There’s an element of retaliation and elites coordinating the levers of government to make her miserable and drive her out of business.

    The potential for power abuse against the indivdual is worse on the local level. This situation exemplifies what a malevolent and motivated adversary can accomplish in violating rights, destroying enterprise and just general harassment if given the power of coercive government.

    I looked at a few different sources before posting this story, thinking that perhaps Ms. Boneta is gaming the system herself. I didn’t want to get sucked into to supporting a con. But the more I dug into it the uglier and worse the bullying from the PEC became and the more her fight was an appropriate response.

  7. @Dr Tar – At your urging I did go read the details in the 2nd link. Yep…she’s being harrassed….no doubt about that.

    Moral of this story….do NOT buy land with a conservation easement on it.

    >>>an easement that allowed the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC, a conservation group) oversight over how the buildings on the property were used in order to preserve the original farm.

  8. sleeping giant

    If what bitterclinger posted is true, then that admonition did not apply at the time.

    “The easement was being filed in the courthouse as Boneta was signing the purchase agreement”

    Your advice would not have applied to that land yet. Unless you had a crystal ball handy.

  9. apropos of nothing, I have a client that lives in Farquier County.

    Whilst snickering, I asked her how it’s pronounced. “Okay smartass, it’s pronounced ‘Fuck-yer County’. Happy now?” I said aren’t you sure it’s Farquier citizens?

    I hope Boneta wins BIG. To Hell with these dime-store Fascists. They aren’t fit to scrape out dogshit & tapeworms from a kill-shelter kennel, let alone run a County gummint.

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