Waiting For Backup – IOTW Report

Waiting For Backup

The left wants everyone to “wait in the car.”

They said Zimmerman, although not a cop, should have waited in the the car until police arrived.

Officer Wilson, too, should have waited in the car for backup.


All police when confronted with a belligerent perpetrator should simply wait for backup, because the backup will be able to take charge of the situation. Now ask the left, what is the “situation”?

And what happens when backup arrives? Will the mere presence of a group of police officers be enough to subdue a person into submission? That’s what the left seems to believe.

But I give you exhibit A:


Rodney King would not put his hands behind his back, even when surrounded by backup.

In the case of Eric Garner there was backup, exactly what they wanted Wilson to wait for. Garner was also a “gentle giant,” and Garner, like Brown, refused to be put under arrest, telling police to just leave him alone. What is the police supposed to do at that point, shadow Garner until he falls asleep?

Garner should have put his hands behind his back, not slap the cop’s hands away. The cops are not going to “leave you alone.” It’s never happened in the history of the police force, where a guy described to his friends how he escaped – “I just told them straight out, I want to be left alone, and they left.”

I’m sure Michael Brown would have resisted had there been 4 or 6 or 8 officers rather than just Wilson.

Brown probably would have survived his tazing and his subsequent beating, but there would have been protests calling for the officers to be fired.

It simply seems as if the left is telling the police what they want them to do, wait in their cars for backup. And once backup arrives they should wait in their cars too, until the angry perp walks away.



18 Comments on Waiting For Backup

  1. all I know is “andy taylor” didn’t need any backup.
    and “barney fife” didn’t load his gun until he was ready to shoot.
    that said, why did Wilson need backup? he handled the situation well if you consider the outcome.

  2. Yes George Stepinaplous (sp.WGAS) suggested to officer Wilson
    that he should have stayed in his car.
    O’Reilly would have loosened his grip on the guy once he said I can’t breathe .

    I wouldn’t want to be a LEO today.

  3. Lets “follow the money” to get to the “root cause” of Eric Garner’s death

    The root cause was the progressives who run New York’s insatiable lust for tax revenues. He was being apprehended for the crime of cutting the New York politicians out of the action. The politicians are simply not going to sit back and let this happen, they use those cigarette tax revenues to buy votes with. We all know that while these officers were busy making certain that the politicians get their cut that serious crimes, such as residential burglaries and car thefts, were left uninvestigated.

    It was the progressive leftwing politicians and their confiscatory taxes who are ultimately responsible for the death of this “Gentle Giant.”

    This officer may have been overly aggressive, but if he was I suggest that he was just sucking up to his superiors who know who butters their bread. If you are a cop in NY and want to get ahead you do things to make your boss look good to the politicians and that means you let those who are cutting the politicians out of their fair share of the NY cigarette action that doing so is no bueno on your beat.

  4. A short one act play:

    (Fade in on a dark filthy alleyway. Potential violence is suspected in the shadows. A police car stops at the head of the alley)

    (Prog Douchebag, screaming from shadows): Help! I’m being gang raped! Help!

    (LEO in car): Duly noted, ma’am.

    (Prog, screaming): Come get them off me!

    (LEO): Can’t, ma’am. I have to wait for backup.

    (Prog): AARRgggmmmmpppgggghhhhhh.

  5. JDHasty, I beg to differ…the cigarette tax had nothing at all to do with his death. For all we know from watching the video, they may well have been trying to arrest him on an outstanding warrant. But it wouldn’t matter. Saying he was killed because of the cigarette tax would be like saying someone killed in a car wreck on his way to the store was killed because he needed milk. He died of natural causes exacerbated by stress and exertion…

  6. Pelosi said that they’ll do everything they can to “change” the way America runs. From the mouths of commie hardliners.
    Bastiat called it perversion:

    and Goldwater in The Conscience of a Majority elaborated, and this is from the early seventies, that the courtroom (law) is more concerned with the rights of the criminal, than the victim.

    Just call it Blaxploitation. Made to order for TheCommunity and other weasels that seek a ‘free pass’ and other peoples’ money all because they want to act like animals. Hey Holder! You’re a bigot!

  7. When someone is in eminent danger of death, should you hide and wait for backup then, too?
    Or do you do the job you signed on for?
    I laugh at all these people that weren’t there that think their opinion means squat.
    What happened to 2 man patrol cars anyway?

  8. ‘Flip’ is exactly on target.

    Why should my son risk his life apprehending a criminal?

    So, let me see how this works out: 1) No longer can a cop describe perpetrators, 2) now they have to allow the crime to continue while they watch, 3) every move will be on tape, (interesting, what about bathroom breaks? If the camera is off for those occaisions, that would open cops to accusations of abuse during that time).

    These sound like the Obama Rules of Engagement, that have tied the hands of our military and accounted for the huge rise of casualties.

    So, the new rules will allow more time for the cops to round up LEGAL guns from LAW ABIDING citizens and find homes and jobs for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. (Oops, lost my mind. Not JOBS, just straight to the benefits, which LEGAL AMERICANS have EARNED.)

    But, until PETA kicks up a stink, I think maybe our police can round up those stray, unlicensed, and/or undiapered dogs, roaming the streets.

    I got it. the HANDS UP mantra is what the liberal jerks want cops and law abiding citizens to do IF confronted by a thug.


  9. Safari Park Rule:

    “If a white person is shot, or killed, Non-blacks are at fault for not following the rules the police and black grievance industry wrote for them on the Safari Park safety brochure. The principle underlines the ideological point – those doing the attacking cannot ignore their instincts, control their behavior or comply with laws.”


  10. This is the culmination of years of blacks being told they are the victims of racism. They feel obligated to stand up to the police, as if there were something wrong with submitting to arrest. If either of these people would have quietly turned around and put their hands behind their back they would have lived to have their day in court. They wouldn’t have been nearly as ready to fight if they weren’t brainwashed into thinking they were the recipient of injustice.

    Now they get to face a much harder judge. I’m guessing it’s not going to go to well for them.

  11. I’m with JDHasty on this one. It would explain why the only indictment that came out of the grand jury was against the man who shot the video of the confrontation.

    Looks like the NYPD wants to show any would-be video vigilantes what happens to “snitches”.

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