Cop Shoots Engine – IOTW Report

Cop Shoots Engine

I was looking at some police shooting videos, you know, to see if any of them would get my “white blood” up and turn me out onto the streets with some misspelled placards and a bottle of urine to throw at the po-po.

I saw this one and I thought it was extraordinarily stupid. Maybe I’m wrong, but, can you really stop a car by firing a few rounds through the hood?

I’m willing to be educated here, but I just get the sense that this cop wanted to fire at something, and I think he thought he couldĀ convince his superiors that he once saw Starsky, or maybe Hutch, do this and it worked. Once he starts firing at the engine he just glides on over and shoots her through the windshield. Once you start you can’t stop. It’s like Lays potato chips.

I have no idea if the cop was indicted or not, and I really don’t care. I know that’s wrong of me, but, I’m being honest. I don’t care about the woman who wouldn’t stop because she was on probation, etc. etc.

Too many good people die of cancerĀ for me to get worked up over people who would plow into a family at 100 mph to avoid going back to jail.

17 Comments on Cop Shoots Engine

  1. Not with rounds out of a service pistol. There are special shotgun shells with loads that will penetrate an engine block. NOT THAT I POSSESS ANY SUCH ROUNDS!!!!!!! (…ahem…)

  2. The .357 magnum was put into service so the cops could fire through bullet-proof glass the gangsters were using. And it will penetrate an engine block, not as well as the later developed 44 mag, though. You could do it with an old style bow and arrow if you hit it in the right spot.

  3. One of my first cars I bought from a guy who thought it had a cracked block. Water was leaking from the back side. I found out it was just a freeze plug on the back of a head, so I offered him $100 and he was glad to get rid of it. Just had to stop at every gas station on the way home to fill up the radiator. Pulled both heads at home and did a valve job too while I had them off.
    Same car got hit by a drunk driver on Christmas and I collected $165 from his insurance company. Just a banged up fender. Win win all the way around.

  4. I think when you lead police on a 100-mph chase, you raise their adrenaline levels to such point that, when you reach for your drugs on the floor of the car, you (or your family, posthumously) can’t really whine about them pumping a few rounds into you to make sure they get to go home and have dinner with their families. Resisting apprehension and/or arrest is just a low-percentage activity.

  5. It doesn’t take a cannon to ruin the fuel intake system on top of an engine.

    All sorts of things that can shut your engine down if one of them is destroyed. Electrical or physical damage to air/fuel mix delivery system is easy.

    A radiator hit would not over heat and seize your engine for quite a while. After 10 minutes of driving without water my engine was shot but not seized. The leak had happened way earlier. That 10 minutes was after the water had finally emptied. So, how long between the hole in the radiator and engine death? Nowhere near instantly, for sure. It’s an “eventually” death, if not attended to.

    The Desert Eagle 50ae was built for stopping engines at Israeli check points. Now there is a block buster.

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