Letter To College Reform Writer From Fellow College Students – IOTW Report

Letter To College Reform Writer From Fellow College Students

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13 Comments on Letter To College Reform Writer From Fellow College Students

  1. Who gives a fuck what a bunch of white guilt lesbian girls have to say.
    There taught by the media to think that their view of the world is correct.
    Sorry ladies but your view of what happened in ferguson is incorrect.
    You are liberal dumb asses.

  2. Since she is so “disrespectful & disgusting” she ought to transfer to Hillsdale College, where they would appreciate her views.

    Don’t cast your pearls before swine, dearie!

  3. Spelling lesson for today


    I admit that minuscule is a bitch to spell, even for good spellers. Ask the smartest person you know, or second smartest after yourself, and they will almost certainly botch it.

  4. Wait. It’s an ALL WOMEN’S college? Yeah! Nothing says “hypocrite” more than disregarding the intellect, power, and courage of 50% of the population. They take public funds, correct? Then they have to accept male students. I’ll bet they’re virulently against that decision if it has an effect on THEIR college but will demand it’s enforcement at ALL MALE colleges. Once again — hypocrites.

  5. @IOpian: Exactly!

    From the note: “(Your) closed-mindedness will not be tolerated in any design at this institution.”

    It never ceases to amaze me how glaringly obvious the double standard contradicting themselves approach these dunderheads take! Seriously libtards: do you ever listen to yourselves?!

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