Leftists See Racism Everywhere They Look – IOTW Report

Leftists See Racism Everywhere They Look

There are stereotypes in cartoons, for sure. One that comes to mind, that no leftist has ever been offended by, is the stuffy English bulldog with the pipe who is oblivious to everything except his narrow worldview and who no one can understand. This dog is in everywhere in cartoons.

Now look at the overreach by the perpetually aggrieved libwits. All of these cartoons were deemed racist in this post.  It’s an article that seems to be desperately searching for a problem (hang onto your wallet whenever they get to the solution.)

In some of these horrible instances of racism, the cartoons are beloved by the very people the leftists say should be insulted.

What’s more offensive, the cartoon or leftists telling people they are too stupid to be offended?

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Speedy Gonzalez is actually beloved by Mexicans. That doesn’t matter to the white progressive. It must be banned.

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See the rest here. See how leftists need to go back 70 years and dredge up old cartoons to prove … …I don’t know what?

What is their solution for this grievance?

ht/ illustr8r

13 Comments on Leftists See Racism Everywhere They Look

  1. D party platform going into the election – police violence against blacks, racism, more welfare services, more illegal aliens, with any luck they’ll start a race riots. God will finally be deleted from the party platform.

    If R platform includes law and order it will be a winner

  2. So, if we eliminate every single racial/ ethnic stereotype of every minority in these cartoons, then what are we left with — bland, vanilla-people …
    Wouldn’t then we be accused of ‘acting white’ or ‘being white’?

    What is the endgame of the Lefties — do they even know what white-washing your history and your artistic culture does? Do they even think beyond the next 5 minutes?

  3. You’ve heard of Rose colored glasses? They are what republicans seem to wear, when facing the walls of crap from the left.

    Liberals wear shit colored/covered glasses. That is why they seem to be so angry all of the time. They can’t get rid of the stench they create for themselves.

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