Keep It Up, Dirtbags – IOTW Report

Keep It Up, Dirtbags

I’ve told this story many times. I went to college in NYC and I was probably a little left of center, if political at all. (I remember being against Bernie Goetz at the time, so that will give you a baseline.)

The day Reagan was shot I was in the student lounge, which was frequently populated by my instructors. I saw a number of them fist pump with smiles on their faces when the news was announced.

I was appalled and it began my journey rightward.

Now this:



Denver high school students protesting recent civilian deaths involving police chanted “Hit him again!” after a car struck four bicycle officers – injuring one critically – Wednesday night, the city’s police union charged.

Officer John Adsit underwent six hours of surgery Thursday for injuries sustained in the accident and was in critical, but stable condition. But the reaction of young students, reported by the Denver Post, left residents stunned and members of the Denver Police Protection Association angry. Students were heard chanting and cheering after the officers were hit. Teachers looked on and did not intervene while the students chanted, Fox31 Denver reports.

“The Denver Police Protective Association has learned that immediately after the horrible accident yesterday injuring four Denver Police Officers, several parties in the protesting group cheered and chanted “hit him again.”


ht/ finai

36 Comments on Keep It Up, Dirtbags

  1. The left wants a race war, and this is an easy way to get it done. I was just scanning lefty sights and their take on cops and blacks. The Koshole is reporting that the AG intentionally gave improper instructions to the Grand Jury saying it was legal for Wilson to shoot Brown in the back while he was fleeing and cited a Lawrence O’Donnell vid where good ole Larry said that same thing to his leftist viewers. Then over at Huffpoop, they are saying that the only man indicted in the Garner case was the guy that filmed it. He was caught doing a drug deal and hid his gun in a 17 year old girls pants and some how got arrested for it. I suppose if you film the cops you should get away with drugs dealing, illegal weapons and shit like that huh? The real question is why they want a race war……any thoughts?

  2. I’m sick and tired of the same people coming out to protest over and over and over, perpetually prepared to wage another public temper tantrum at the drop of a hat.

    For years, the standing joke in Portlandia is that nothing spells “Springtime” like the smell of teargas on May Day. Every year the same damned people are out blocking traffic and making as big of a nuisance of themselves as they can. They all heartily participated in the Occupy Portland festivities that featured human sewage flowing down the gutters from the porta-potties the protesters would not allow to be serviced. Those same people were all out repeatedly protesting in Portlandia over Ferguson and now they are all out protesting over this killing in New York.

    The height of ridiculous are the protests against the police in Chicago where black lives count so much that the ones who are not aborted slaughter one another by the thousand by gunfire, in a city with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the Country.

    My favorite Poratlandia protest picture was the chick who got shot square in her widely gaping pie-hole with a point-blank blast from a riot-sized police cannister of pepper spray. She wasn’t seen again after she lost her lawsuit against the police for excessive force. We obviously need more of that kind of policing now…

  3. Reminds me of an old Dave Berg “The Lighter Side of…” strip in Mad magazine from the late 60s.

    A hippie revolutionist stands near a construction site shouting at a couple nearby policemen.


    A couple construction workers take offense to this verbal assault and proceed to stomp the shit out of the hippie.


    The cops stand with their backs to the carnage with wry grins on their faces.

    “Nobody here but us pigs!”

  4. The Left does want a race war. They intend for Whites to lose that war, catastrophically.

    The Left believes it can win. They don’t have much experience with real violence. And they never read History.

  5. Wait, isn’t it the Left that believes there are too many humans on the planet?

    Maybe they’re trying to make amends for all the damage they’ve caused, by engineering their own dramatic exit ?

    I know, but the thought did make me smile.

  6. Interesting, BFH. I was a college intern when Reagan was shot and I recall one of the employees sighing in relief when it was made public the shooter was white. It was clear he thought if the shooter were a minority, Reagan would have rounded up all minorities in camps. What an idiot.

  7. @judgeroybean, you are right on target !

    Wouldn’t it be the bomb if JUST ONCE(!), the Republinotheycants would use one of their now predictable distractions to do something really effective to stop Barky and Holder and at least disrupt the ‘news’ cycle ?!

    But that would be asking too much.

  8. @OneLastTime Yep, they’ve proven to be real quick to sic the police on fast food drive thrus…just as atheists in life and death situations, hastily make pacts with God. Liberalism is one FOS belief system.

  9. evensteven, states stand in the way of the state. Progs would like like the USA redivided into federal administrative regions with no sovereignty, policed by Obama’s Civilian National Security Force.

    And speaking of states, these idiot students act like they want another Kent.

  10. The racial aspect is just the trigger. Socialists don’t give a flying fuck about negroes, spics, chinks, honkies, or anybody else.
    Once conflict is inflamed it’ll be prosecuted with the utmost vigor, first, by putting the Police in harm’s way and leaving them out to hang – no National Guard or DHS will cover their backs – second, by attempting to disarm America “for the sake of the Children and the General Safety,” and then move in the Armed Forces (because the country will appear to be in a state of murderous anarchy – thanks to the media) to quell the ‘rebellion’ and establish a Socialist Totalitarian State by suspending the Constitution for the duration of the “Emergency.”

    Worked for Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Castro, Mussolini, Hoxha, Tito, Kim, Pol Pot, (and a host of others) … why not Obola?

  11. Oh I can see the response route maps being drawn in the heads of the police and other emergency responders, today.

    The response route will make a piece of funnel cake look straight.

    Put a fence around them and let them kill each other off.

  12. I find the most troubling thing about this story to be the presence of teachers. It implies that it was a sanctioned activity. Colorado’s education system is in the hands of leftist agitators.

    After the Garner decision, I started to wonder, given the nature of grand juries, if both the Ferguson and New York prosecutors did not get the findings their controllers were looking for? If Obama and Company are to maintain this spiral of hysteria and hatred, what will they pull out of their sleeve next?

  13. Just wondering what happened to all those homeland security vehicles over in that hotel in Ferguson, didn’t seem like they were utilized for anything? Kind of like the National Guard?

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