Rodney King Revisited – IOTW Report

Rodney King Revisited

This is the case that started it all.

Two officers, that happened to be married, Tim and Melanie Singer, attempted to pull King over for speeding on the Foothill Freeway in Los Angeles. King tried to outrun the cops because a DUI would land him back in jail. He was on probation for a robbery conviction.

He couldn’t shake the police. Now there were other squad cars and a helicopter tracking him as he went up to 80 mph in residential neighborhoods. After ten minutes they finally pinned King in.

(As for the passengers – King’s two friends both claimed police brutality, saying they were beaten and manhandled before being left on the side of the road. They said the police laughed when they informed the two “Blood” gang members that they were being ditched in a “Crips” neighborhood.)

King wouldn’t get out of the car, later claiming he had trouble with the seat belt. When he finally emerged he was acting bizarre, waving at the helicopter and laughing. Officer Koon assumed command of the scene and ordered all officers to holster their weapons because he was going to order a swarm, where the unarmed belligerent and non-compliant perp is pig-piled by a number of officers and subdued.

It didn’t work. King fought them off. He was tased. When the video below begins you will see King getting up off the ground after a second tasing and he attacks Officer Powell.

Let the beatings begin.

I really don’t know what else to say. What are the cops supposed to do at this point, get back in their cars and wait for backup? Let him go? Sit around all night waiting for him to decide what he wants to have happen? I don’t think beating a person like this is either racism or a police state. I don’t want felons on probation drunk driving and speeding through my neighborhood at 80 mph and the cops not taking control of the situation…white, black or plaid.

Now it’s almost 14 years later and black guys are punching cops through the window of their cars and reaching for their guns and the left is telling us that cops are out of control.

They say the cops should sit in their car and… call the cops.

They say we have an epidemic and a crisis of white policemen not staying in their cars, which leads to black people ending up dead. There is no discussion of why the police are getting out of their cars and what happens that leads to their death. That doesn’t matter. The left just wants blacks to stop being killed by white cops, no matter the reason. It’s okay, apparently, if blacks are killed by what usually kills them – being shot by blacks. That is not a crisis or an epidemic.

9 Comments on Rodney King Revisited

  1. Personally being the recipient of physical police brutality when not resisting arrest (I was knocked unconscious) . I tend to want to side on the dead man.
    Regarding the New York incident: He resisted. And the FOX talking points defending the victim because of his small crime are very weak. Hey, you are under arrest for the same reason you were before and before, and he continued to sell illegally. Now he is no more. He could have stopped selling the cigs? And not given the police a hard time. Considering his condition, which only he knew about he should have protected himself by not engaging.

    I only know in my life, I have never disrespected but the police have disrespected me . They will always win, because of the cour structure. Locally, the judge will never go against a cop who is his friend and in his courtroom regularly.


  2. Looked like his hands were up, to me. 😉

    In the end, King met his demise by becoming the life-size human version of a floating turd. Poetic.

    Notice nobody ever mentions Reginald Denny and the bullshit he went through after the low-pants hangin’ nigger threw that brick at his head?

    But WHITE people be profilin’ gentle giants, and shit. Know what I’m sayin’, yo?

    Protest all you want, because nobody worth a shit gives a shit. Lay down on the pavement all you want.

    Now go sell your dope and STFU.

  3. Rodney King got off easy. And it didn’t have a damn thing to do with skin color.

    As mentioned before, LAPD beat my white ass much worse than they beat King, on my 21st birthday. And they did the beating after they had handcuffed my ass so I couldn’t fight back or deflect the blows from the batons. (That is why to this day I still hate the LAPD).

    But one of my kids is a cop. I like cops, just not those corrupt thugs who scrambled my brains.

    And I will never side with the Rodney King bunch. He got what he deserved and I think he was treated much, much more fairly than they treated me back in 1977.

    Nobody rioted. My dad said I was lucky they didn’t kill me and that they probably would if I tried to sue them.

    People always try to brand me as some kind of criminal when I mention this, so here is my defense:

    Short version:
    Me and the wife and friends celebrating that, after nine years of drinking, I could finally legally buy my own. Stereo blasting , probably Hendrix or Stones, cops knock on apartment door and ask me to turn it down. Turned it back up after they left, so they came back. Asked me, “mr. ‘Unruly’, would you step outside so we can talk to you?” My worst mistake, I step outside and they arrest me for drunk in public. So I am pissed and cussing the bastards, they get tired of my shit on the way to the station, they pull into a dark ally and pull me out by the hair onto the ground and beat the living shit out of me. And I am listening to my skull crack, and begging them to stop.

    That is why I hate the LAPD. But it doesn’t have a fuking thing to do with skin color. If I hadn’t been so drunk, I could have just stayed inside my house and turned the damn stereo down. I would be in much better shape today if I had done that. No excuse for acting like an asshole.

    I pissed blood for several days. It took my wife three days to find me in the hospital ward of LACJ. Fractured skull, broken nose, internal injuries. Clothes were soaked with blood all the way down to my socks. Had to go home in LACJ rags because my clothes were returned to me in a plastic bag, still wet with some kind of chemical solution. Could not leave my house for two weeks because of severe dizziness. My face was so badly bruised that when my wife and brother came to get me out, they walked right past the booth I was in — not recognizing me.

    My blood pressure goes up every time I think about this. Heart is pounding!

    My whole point is that police brutality is not a racial thing. And it can be avoided by not breaking the law or acting like an asshole.

    Rodney King was a fucking asshole, criminal to the core. He’s lucky they tased him. They could have beat him to death if they really were the racists everybody accuses them to be. All the racism seems to be coming from the black side.

    Now I need a Valium.

  4. December 6, 2014 minus March 3 1991 equals 23.5 years, NOT 14 years, that this silliness has been going on. P.S. Nicole Simpson was butchered on June 12, 1994. Gotta love the nineties. I know, lets convince them to grow up by electing one POTUS.

  5. There is no room in a nation of laws for sadistic authority, nor is there for hyper-violent protected feral animals.

    Locate, fix and destroy their handlers as if in a war. Then it will stop.

  6. Could it be that some of these perps aren’t ready for “western civilization”? Perhaps they should be send back to the wild in Africa where they can become members of warring tribes and get their angst out on each other. They seem to be doing that here in our cities anyway — they’re just better armed…

  7. @Meerkat Brzezinski , that’s a serious beating when they knock you out. I didn’t mean to take any of the fire out of your post with my extra long comment. I get tunnel vision every time I see a story about Rodney King, and I think about all the rioting and destruction, the beating of white people and burning of businesses, all because that racist pussy King couldn’t take it like a man — like us white bastards do. All that foot stomping crybaby whitey-hating gimme freeshit cause I’m a privileged black man and you owe me cracker talk just makes my blood boil. Especially when lapd is involved.

    You have a good attitude about it, that makes life easier.

  8. “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” (1912) by a British Fabian “Israel Cohen” quoted by Congressman Thomas Abernathy during the Civil Rights debate, and entered into the Congressional Record (1957), p. 8559:

    “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
    – See more at:

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