Landrieu Goes Out in Bitter Nasty Fashion – IOTW Report

Landrieu Goes Out in Bitter Nasty Fashion

Questioned by radio host Jeff Crouere about her loyalty to Obama and his signature ACA, and if this loyalty was her death knell, Landrieu got nasty and abruptly ended the interview. But not before disparaging the TEA party (I thought we were dead?) and implying that the right is racist.

It’s a fitting exit.

18 Comments on Landrieu Goes Out in Bitter Nasty Fashion

  1. We had the same thing in a state election here. Some short haired Demo-lesbo kept running ads where she never said she was a democrat but that “while we might not agree on everything that you can count on me to be honest” or some such.

    When she was double digits behind in the home stretch, her ads turned into frothy mouthed rants against tea party extremists and character assassination against the candidate that won handily.

  2. boxer pelosi feinstein and the nut job reps from Texas might be tough to remove due to the gerrymandering they’ve perpetrated on their regions.

    I think that’s the only reason they keep getting elected.

  3. She sold out Louisianans and the rest of us in The Louisiana Purchase for Obamacare. She was Grubered into hoping that her electorate was as stupid as he assumed we are. The only thing the Tea Party did was make sure they remembered.

    What her loss does demonstrate is the importance of having a strong conservative Governor in command of the State’s Party apparatus and the bully pulpit.

    As to Boxer & Feinstein – consider them Senators-for-Life. The Demosleaze machine in California is impregnable – might as well change it’s name to La Raza’s preferred title – Aztlan.

    (As an aside – gerrymandering has no bearing on a Senatorial election – the entire State is the “district.”)

  4. We also had the same thing happen in the last election where I live. Granted I live in a rural, very red state, this one obviously came from THE most liberal sink hole in the country, California, and her whole campaign centered around “normal” (if you can call it that) liberal issues. During a forum put on by a local (conservative) group of the candidates she embarrassed herself multiple times and ended up sitting down and refusing to answer any more questions from the audience. As one might expect, she didn’t do all that well in the election, finishing with less that 100 votes total. What surprises me is that there were actually close to 100 people willing to back this “ditz”!

  5. There was a short line outside of my Louisiana polling place this morning. I recognized a few acquaintances and friends from my neighborhood. One yelled out my name and jokingly asked if I was voting for Miss Piggy. Pretty soon EVABODY in the line were all laughing and making pig-oinking sounds – black, latin and white alike.

    The BBQ pigroast is just starting

  6. She did better than Sen Kay Hagan here in NC…Hagan just didn’t show up for the final debate, so Thom Tillis actually debated an empty chair for an hour on live TV!

    and yeah, Hagan is heading for early retirement.

  7. She is a typical lib. Look at how petty and churlish Obama’s response to Nov.4th was. They are horrid winners and even worse losers.

    But, it is so fun to watch their childish temper tantrums; kicking, screaming, turning red in the face, stuttering in frustration and disbelief. They are stunned that the ‘stupid people’ got wise!! I LOVE IT!

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