Police Take Another Precious Child – IOTW Report

Police Take Another Precious Child




This child of a mother was high on “Wet” (formaldehyde and cocaine) and was beating his girlfriend in her backyard in front of her children. He had a gaping wound on his arm from punching out a window.

A neighbor who heard the girl screaming for her life called police.


They pepper sprayed the future president of the United States and wrestled with him to try and get the cuffs on him. When he was finally subdued he looked like his face was covered in Nestle’s Quik. Dirt was in his eyes, nose and mouth. Who knows if it was the WET, the dirt, the pepper spray or just luck on our part, but Keenan Ardoin was no more. .

HT/ finai

story here

42 Comments on Police Take Another Precious Child

  1. Maybe this is the way Obama is making room in the welfare state for his favored ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

    Government genocide comes in many ways. What other reason would this self- revered, soulless, faux president have to stir up contention.

    He has succeeded in alienating all of our longtime allies and is now dis-organizing America.

    But there are signs of rejection of the direction the communist driven protests want us to take. I think America is awake and getting angrier everyday.

  2. WTF do these people want? “NO GO Zones” like the Mooslime neighborhoods in France?

    That would work for me, as I don’t live close, but what about the rest of the people who try to live responsible lives without drugs and chaos?

  3. Not a single fuck is given by me that this feral, violent sub human died with his ugly mug in the dirt. In fact, I might be downgraded to just Peeved for the remainder of the day.

  4. On the average, 685 people a year are killed while committing a felony (2007-2013). Police are responsible for about 52% (ave. 409/yr) of these and private citizens make up the rest (ave 276/yr).
    Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Justifiable Homicides – Tables 14 & 15


    Last year saw a 12% spike in the number of justifiable homicides by police officers, from 410 in 2013 to 461. That’s the highest number in the past seven years.

    2014 is even worse. It looks like at least 500 people will be killed by police this year. But not all of them involve shootings during a crime. A few traffic fatalities or other types of accidents are counted where the officer was not indicted or if an innocent bystander/hostage was killed by police during a shoot out. These are not FBI generated numbers, some officers may be indicted; several were charged (usually manslaughter) but the grand jury refused to indict.

    Doing a cursory examination of the circumstances where these homicides occurred leads to an obvious conclusion … people are frickin’ insane.

    There are three states where no one has been killed by police this year: Rhode Island, North Dakota and New Hampshire. The top five states for 2014 police homicides so far are:

    STATE ….. #
    California ….. 92
    Texas ….. 47
    Florida ….. 23
    Arizona ….. 21
    Ohio ….. 18

    Looking at the number of police homicides per 100,000 gives a rather different listing for the top five:

    STATE ….. # ….. per 100k
    Nevada ….. 14 ….. 0.50
    New Mexico ….. 9 ….. 0.43
    Oklahoma ….. 14 ….. 0.36
    Arizona ….. 21 ….. 0.32
    Maine ….. 4 ….. 0.30

    NY, where the latest protests are taking place, is one of the states with the lowest numbers of people killed by police per 100,000.

  5. @Sgt524

    I’m sure the momma feels the police were just completely out of line and didn’t wear the cameras so they could beat on this poor black man.

    I wonder what the momma of the woman getting beat by this POS thinks of him taking a dirt nap. I bet she’s not crying over him winding up dead after fighting with the cops.

  6. @grayjohn — My son and I had this very discussion. He pointed out statistics that show when the police are forced to wear cameras, the incidence of police brutality went down significantly. The first thing he said after that was, “Wearing cameras means the police can’t club or beat or shoot someone and get away with it.”

    My first thought (and I vocalized it was well) was, “Wearing cameras means that the perps can’t lie about the police committing brutality.”

    That thought never entered into his mind. He actually still believes that Mike Brown had his hands up when he was shot by the police. I had to explain that every “witness” to the shooting recanted their statements given to the press when they testified in front of the grand jury. When confronted with a charge of perjury, they all “suddenly remembered” that they saw nothing and only saw the aftermath. My son had no idea of that truth. Liberal echo chamber.

  7. “Wyatt also admits her son was on cocaine and embalming fluid, also known as a drug called “wet,” before the incident with police, but believes the situation was taken out of hand.

    “The drugs are not the problem, it’s what they did to my child,” Wyatt said.”

    WHAT?!? Was she high too when she said that?

    Newsflash: Maybe if you spent some more time with your child ( Who was clearly a good boy who ain’t never done nuffin’)and taught him not to beat up women and do drugs, he’s still be around!

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