“Why not shoot them in the leg??” – IOTW Report

“Why not shoot them in the leg??”

19 Comments on “Why not shoot them in the leg??”

  1. Steve nailed it. Absolutely.

    When I was a cop I was taught, rightly I still believe, that your intention—and particularly what you express after the event—was to *stop* the threat. You don’t have time to think about whether your shot will be fatal or disabling or merely noisy. You stop the treat.

    In many, maybe most, cases that will prove fatal to the threat, but that was never your intention.

  2. I’m all for “winging.” But shooting the gun, knife, or hatchet out of the hand of the perp is preferable. You should aim to hit the handle, blade etc. but try not to hit the hand of the perp which may cause serious injury, even death if he/she is a bleeder.

    Stay tuned for more handy tips on “How to be a Police.” by Moe Tom.

    Next week: “How to disarm a perp with a gun, knife, hell, any weapon, with a pencil , a ball point pen, even a paper clip.”

  3. @ Obama please: Yeah Bro. Remember Hoppalong Cassidy, and his sidekicks, Lucky and Gabby? Well they used to always “wing” the bad guy, while firing and riding on horseback. That’s the type of cops we need today. We just gotta retrain our police. They can’t shoot worth a shit!

  4. Well, actually, you’re on to something there…it used to bother me just how poorly many of the cops I worked with shot. They hated being forced to qualify once a year (on duty, getting paid, with free ammo…what’s not to love?) and it showed. How many times have you read of a shootout where three of them emptied 17 round magazines and hit everything but the suspect?

    Of course, these are the same guys that work for seniority so they can get a goof-off district on day shift…and then bitch about how overworked they are.

    Thankfully, there are still a few you can count on.

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