If Zapruder Was an Idiot iPhone User – IOTW Report

If Zapruder Was an Idiot iPhone User

7 Comments on If Zapruder Was an Idiot iPhone User

  1. At my nephew’s b-day recently, both my wife and sis-inlaw were snapping pictures of the festivities. Both of them use portrait mode exclusively, because when they look at the screen that’s the image they think they’re going to get. Also it’s supposedly easier for their women hands, they both explained.

    So I’m pretty certain any male who shoots pics/vids using portrait mode is a fag who is about as smart as a woman.

  2. @ Fur
    You forgot to add the part *right at the critical moment* – or just thereafter – when Zapruder does a “selfie”….

    (just kidding. I get your point)

  3. Isn’t revisionist history fun!

    Fur, I think you should do a series of these, as you’ve done with your pet portraits. My first suggestion would be the first plane hitting the North Tower of the World Trade Center, of which there is only one known filmed record.

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