Like a Horror Movie – IOTW Report

Like a Horror Movie

A fake woman cop starts terrorizing a vehicle and bumping them and trying to get them to stop.

Bad Language –

21 Comments on Like a Horror Movie

  1. If you don’t train and arm your wives and daughters you might as well have them live under Islam.
    Christ did not instruct us to get a sword, and sell our cloak if need be to obtain one, for no reason.
    If you ignore the Lord, and common sense, this kind of thing is among the least of what you are contributing to.

  2. Lemme see if I’ve got this straight – she is driving aggressively, and struck your little mazda with her big f’ing truck, then dismounted and was walking toward you…and you didn’t run her over?

  3. I didn’t want to editorialize the video, but if I did it would have been – Feminists, you have no idea WTF you are talking about. There is a BIG difference between men and women.
    I doubt highly even the weakest man would shriek and cry in this situation. They’d simply run the woman over.

  4. This happened near where I live, They had video of her in court, talking to herself, making hand gestures and nodding her head yes and no. She just got out of jail two days before for driving to a relatives house and throwing rocks thru the window and threatening to kill the people. During her second court appearance, the judge send her for an appointment in the nut house.

    Just beware of your surroundings, look for exits and don’t telegraph your intentions. These two were in a dangerous situation. If this nut case had a gun they could have been killed twice, at either point when they stopped. And if you see a vehicle driving erratically, stay away from it and don’t flip them off. With the amount of assholes that Kalifornia issues driver’s licenses to, you just never know how many mental patients are out on the road at any given time.

  5. This happened right up the hill from us so we viewed some interviews on local TV. The girls were very young, scared shitless. Under the circumstances I think the handled it pretty well. BFH, I’ve met males that would scream, shit, and pass out all at once.

  6. Just for kicks I’d like to hear what she was thinking when she was doing this.

    Thanks for the info Cali guys.

    Big Gun, is 5150 code for crazy?

    Far from crying or screaming, I would have also been on the phone to 911 but constantly asking myself if I need to shoot her before I see some clear intent to kill me. I do see the truck as being used as a deadly weapon and she would have seen my 10mm the first time she walked up to the vehicle.

    My dash cam would have caught everything, sound too.

    I really advise everyone to get a dash cam.

    And a pistol, at least.

    While one of my rifles is still in my truck from the last family shoot – it would have been impossible to bring it into action within seconds while driving.

  7. Dadof4, it’s actually the section number in the Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I 5150) and not a radio code: A person with a mental disorder that is a danger to themselves, others, or is gravely disabled.

  8. Who hasn’t had a nutcase, stalker, road-rager menace or assault them with a motor vehicle. If you drive, it will happen. It’s assault with a deadly weapon, it’s deadly serious.

    Another symptom of civil unrest.

  9. majmike

    It’s actually better than that. The owner can have guns in the car without any permit. Yet, must be out of reach of any passengers – no unlocked glove box or console storage with riders.

    Driving alone it can be anywhere as long as it’s out of sight.

    Rifles are kinda the opposite here.

    Lord, I miss the days of almost every pickup I saw having a gun rack in the rear window.

    P.S. If you are one to keep a firearm in the glove box be sure to keep your insurance papers elsewhere and remember that! You really don’t want the officer to see your hand near the gun while getting the papers. It might be your last stop. I advise a holster mounted where it can’t be seen from outside, can’t be grabbed by a passenger, and can be grabbed by you while driving.

  10. Compelling arguments. You win.
    The average woman is just as capable at defending themselves as the average man.
    Women and men are the same.
    The feminists are right.

    Even the insane crazy lady knows enough to pull her shit on two women and not two men. But I’m wrong.

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